The Strongest Bond

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(Both of Their Thoughts!) (Sorry about that little divide but.....With love, there is disagreements that both sides have to deal with. Like me arguing with a girl I love, plus....Just to get where my characters are coming from. Enjoy the Chapter.)

(Talon) - (Sue, I never told you how much I felt about you. You mean everything to me and I let you slip out of my hands.)

(Sue) - (Talon, I am sorry for what happened that night. I should've put your safety first, and I've been terrible to your attention.)

(Talon) - (My name may resemble a Claw of a Bird of Prey, But as you can see.....I'm in love with a Big cat!)

(Sue) - (Even though I was born here to hate humans, I grew to love you because you did what no other human would do, and That is being my Hero.)

(Talon's POV)

I'm getting closer to the City, and I cannot believe that I am coming back for her even though I said I won't. This is what love did to me, and feels good to do the right thing.

(Sue's POV).

As I am fighting those who I believed to be my family, Zechs alongside me, not as an Fiancé, but as a Comrade in battle, I never synced with someone of my race before but.....I really miss Talon and his fighting style, So much.

(Mom) - How dare you rebel against our kingdom you filthy excuse for a Queen! Looks like I have to make your husband Single Again!
(Zechs) - NO!

Zechs took the blow from both of them to his chest and he was bleeding bad. I never knew him but I cried for him.

(Me) - Zechs! Speak to me! ZECHS?!
(Zechs) - Quickly, Run for your life.
(Me) - I can't, You were the one who told me this information, and I never had a friend like you!
(Zechs) - And that is what we should be. Not lovers, but......As friends. I saw your vocal orb and heard everything.


Zechs sees an Vocal Message Orb and taps it to hear the message.

Automated Sue: Zechs, This may sound weird but......Everything about you is not my type of guy. As King, I bet you can understand me, not as your future Queen, but as a Friend who can be honest with me. I am in love with Talon, and I always have been since he saved my miserable life back then 2 months ago. We fought the First Wave together and I don't want this to end. I feel free being by his side, and......I trust you with the Throne more then anyone. Go to the Marriage place and end the Engagement before it is too late. I wanna spend the rest of my life with the Mythic Boomerang Hero, and.....My Hero that I am affectionate towards.

-Flashback cut-

He told me the whole message and I cried more tears for him like if Talon were dying instead of him.

(Me) - I cast! Fast Heal!! Boost Results!
(Mom) - Too Late! Time to Die! Let's Go Tora!
(Tora) - Yes Mother!

I was about to pray for my life as it was about to end but.......I heard metal clashing and- I cannot believe it! HE CAME!

(Talon's POV)

I Roared alongside the Prowler's song, It felt amazing to feel like one of them for a change.

(Me) - I've comeback for you. Happy?
(Sue) - Yes!- Wait?! What the Hell happened to you?!
(Me) - Something went wrong but I'll fix it later! BYAKKO-RANG! FULL! ROARING! TWIIIISSSTERR!

I unleash a Powerful tornado! And it roars like Byakko! Tiger of the West Wind, and sends both the Tiger Sister and mother into the air and as soon as they hit the ground, Their tails and ear's fell off?!

(Zechs) - I knew it, They were never real Hakuko to begin with. They used Alchemy to merge their Human DNA with Tiger DNA.
(Sue) - It looks like it failed.
(Me) - Well, Are you happy to see me back?
(Sue) - Yes, This was all set up from the day I was born.
(Me) - You can tell me later. Make the decision here, and come to the Gate once you made up your mind.

(Sue's POV)

He left again, but I made up my mind. As I arrested my parents and The Royal Guards are about to take her to Melromarc's Best Prison, Tora came to me and said something.
(Tora) - Listen, You know this but all parents want what is best for their kids. Like after you, I was gonna become Queen because I have Hakuko in my blood but I was defected, not like you. Your Future is dark, But only you can make it bright.

They took Tora away, and I was wondering about something, and Zechs came to me with news.
(Zechs) - Okay, We're not engaged anymore. Happy?
(Me) - Gladly. I hope you can find someone else to take the Queen's Spot.
(Zechs) - I'm crowned Prince for now, until I find a Woman worthy of becoming Queen.
(Me) - I hope you do. I was gonna declare war on Melromarc if I were to become Queen. But there is more then that. I fought the Waves alongside Talon, and I felt so free with him, fighting for him, and being by his side no matter what. If I were to go into heat, Then I want him to take my first time. Can I ask you one more thing?
(Zechs) - What is it?
(Me) - Announce to the People that I am not gonna become Queen, and No longer in line for the Throne.
(Zechs) - What?! Why?!
(Me) - This is for your uncle. Who wants a Leader who can't roar for herself?

I spoke literally and Metaphorically, plus Zechs knows why.

(Zechs) - Okay, Let me announce my Speech about to take place.

He roars loudly, and the people gathered around to hear him out.

(Zechs) - Citizens of Silt Welt! Sue told me that She is gonna not take the Title of Queen because of what just happened. The Prime Minister chose her to Declare War On Melromarc like a Pawn, since she was a Slave in Melromarc, It is bad for her mental health to be controlled like that. I hear by say! Her title of First In Line Princess will be stripped from her due to her request! *pulls me out*
Sue Here is not just gonna be our Hero against the Waves! But Also the Hero that Silt Welt deserves! What do you say?! This is Fair right?!

The Crowd cheered happily and they understood me.....Because I am demi human of course.

(Zechs) - I hereby Say- No....ROAR! This day in History! Will be Day of Honorable Demi Human Heroes! Sue here! Will be the First to go down in history as! The Bengal Hero!

The Crowd cheered us on, and I never felt so honored, Now, Time to tell Talon my decision.

(Talon's POV)

I waited for her for two hours and She came.......With her Adventurer clothes and Zechs.
(Zechs) - Talon the Boomerang Hero, I assumed the wrong thing about you at first but I can see you're a good person. You're definitely the hero that Sue definitely likes about you. As King of Silt Welt, I stripped the Right of Becoming Queen for Sue so She can go and fight the Waves.
(Me) - *Tearing up* Really?! Sue?! You're coming with me?!
(Sue) - I'll follow you anywhere. You saved my life more then anyone else who has owned me as a Slave. Now, I'm no longer Future Queen of Silt Welt because the path I was supposed to take wasn't for me, it was for my parents.
(Me) - I see, *sniffles* Ready?
(Sue) - Yes, I am.

I opened my arms into a hug and she comes running to me and.....something that made me fall in love with Shouko back in my own world has emerged once again, and We collided into a Hug, and I felt the Curse Tiger form fading away like dust. We parted ways with Silt Welt's Demi Human And We'll be back someday, Maybe for the Class Upgrades we didn't get but.....As I am looking at this good looking stunner of a girl, I will be the Strongest Hero that can protect her.

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