Chapter 28

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FAbigail's P.O.V

My life totally sucks except maybe for my dad being here. But really he's just here to keep an eye on me because he thinks I'm depressed andy need the company. But every time we talk he somehow manages I talk about how I need "ytime away from boys" and "there's many fish in the sea". But that's bullshit. But he is right abouty one thing, in depressed. I mean obviously. My best friend is still in the hospital and had been fogr weeks, and the love of my life I can't Even talk too! I have no fucking clue where he is or what he's doing. I haven't been there to visit him because my dad always standing guard at the door. Then he talks about how I should get out and make other friends, have a social life. It's kinda hard when he follows me everywhere. I like ducking sweat he waits outside the bathroom when I'm in there. But anyway, I feel like a whole new person. A person with no life and a broken heart. My dad won't even let me go visit Brenda because she's in the same hospital as Tyler. But I don't even know if he's still in the coma or fucking not! It's killing me.

"Honey your mothers hope!" called my dad cheerfully from downstairs. Today they were taking me out to dinner.

"I'll be down in a minute" I called back. I changed into jeans and a nice blue button up shirt with a pink tank too underneath it. I walked down stairs and put on some boots. My mother and father smiled to widely at me. I brought up the corner of my right lip slightly. Barely enough for then to notice. I drove to the local Italian restaurant in town.

"How many" asked the preppy waitress.


"Okay, right this way"

We say at a both where I faced both my parents.

"How was your day sweetie?" asked my mother opening up her menu.

"Just like the last two weeks" I said opening my menu too.

"Could you at least pretend to not hate us right now it's your fathers last dinner with us. His flight leaves about 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. then who knows when well see him again!" whisper shouted my mother dropping her fake smile then calming returning to her menu.

"It was fine mom thanks for asking" I said again fake smiling at the end. my mother seemed more pleased.

"Can it start you off with some drinks?" asked the waitress.

"A diet coke"

"Same as him"

"A water"

After about 30 minutes we had ordered and our food was arriving. My mother and father were making small talk about the weather and he asked her how work was and she said it was fine, like they have the for the last two weeks every night.

"Hey mom have you heard anything on Tyler?" I asked awkwardly interrupting our conversation.

"Now Abby we tal-".

"No. I know I can't see him but can I at lest know if he's out of the coma yet?" I asked a little to harshly.

"Yes he got out of the coma a day or two ago. We haven't figured out a trial date but once he is fully recovered he will be put in jail until gone to court and then given his time" said my mother swirling her pasta around her fork.

"Excuse me" I said standing up and heading to the ladies room. I felt like puking or screaming or crying, I didn't know.

Tyler's P.O.V

The do core thinks 2 days till release, the nurse thinks 3 days, my mother thinks a week, I think an hour. It sucks sitting here trapped up in this hospital. Even though I would probably rather be behind a closed curtain then behind bars. Actually I would rather be behind the curtains in my room. the curtains that when I opened then they revealed the must beautiful girl staring back. But that was over and I see no point in living. My mother is all alone. My dad disappeared since the ambush. Jenny is gone. Apparently when I was out in the coma my dad discuses he was going to sell jenny and get out of the country with the money he would of collected. I don't know where she was going where he would have collected enough money to leave the country. But part of me doesn't want to know. I didn't an get to say goodbye. But not only to Jenny but to Abby. Brenda is still in a coma and not doing any better than before. I just have no reason to live. But I cling onto the hope that I'll see Abby again or I won't go to prison that long and I can see her still. But in the back of my brain I know it will never happen.

"Mr. Smith"

"Yes doctor William"

"I have seen full signs of improvement on your last blood test and MRI"

"I feel as almost you could be leased today"

"As in right now"

"As in right now" repeated the doctor smiling. Shortly after two nurses walked in and unhooked my IV and supplied me with the clothes I was in before. They left me to change as my mother went to go sign me out. About a half hour later I was home. The house felt so empty. Without my drunk dad staggering up the steps. Without Jenny's soft giggle from the other side of the wall as she stayed up chatting with her friends on the phone. Just me and my quiet as a a mouse mother. soon I focused on the rhythm of me heart and feel asleep.

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