× day twelve ⤖ part one ×

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[ Minji's P.O.V ]

Interference from the North during the games is rather common. They'll send in creatures, they'll make storms, they'll push tributes together.

But it's not every year that an announcement is made in the middle of the games.

In fact, unless I just haven't been informed of them, I believe that mid-game announcements are very rare occurrences.

I keep thinking that things can't get any worse in here. I keep thinking that I can't feel any more extreme terror than I've already felt. I keep thinking that I've seen it all.

I thought it couldn't get worse than Jaeeun abandoning me at the cornucopia. It did. I thought it couldn't get worse than tumbling down the mountain. It did. I thought it couldn't get worse than finding Jihoon's torn-apart body, or Jisung sacrificing himself for me, then being killed by his best friend in front of my eyes, or being chased through the woods by a pack of mutant wolves that look like they were plucked straight out of a someone's nightmare. I thought it couldn't get worse than watching my own cousin die in my arms. But of course, the pain isn't over until the game is over.

You'd think I'd have learned by now that it can always get scarier in here.

Yet every time a new obstacle presents itself, I find myself shocked at how far they'll go to make us hurt.

We've put on quite a show in here - from fighting off wolves with fire, to killing our own district partners for various reasons, to shoving each other off cliffs.

But it must not be enough for the North because somehow, things always gets worse. They always find a way to entertain.

Like right now, for example, as the voice of one of the game makers booms to life from one of the speakers hidden who-knows-where around the arena, their tone carrying the calmness, hint of amusement, and professional pep of a game-show host.

"Attention tributes. Ladies and gentlemen," he booms, before halting, and giving an exaggerated chuckle, "Or should I say...lady and gentlemen?"

It's only now that it hits me - I'm the only girl left in the games.

Me, Minji, from District 11. I outlived every other female in here.

It almost makes me grin until I remember the circumstances we're under. The voice starts to continue, instantaneously washing away any momentary pride that had swelled in my chest and replacing it with panic.

"We have an important announcement."

I automatically close my fingers around the sleeve of Hyunjin's suit, my heart beating rapidly.

"As you may or may not know, today is the twelfth day in the arena. Time flies when you're having fun, huh?" The voice laughs, sending such a strong chill down my spine that I physically shudder. When you're from a district as far south and detached from the rest of the country as 11, you never get used to the twisted nature of the citizens of the North.

"Hyunjin," I mutter, jostling his shoulder lightly. Hyunjin just grunts slightly in his sleep and subconsciously moves his arm up to rest it over his head, shielding his face from the early morning sunlight.

I jump slightly as the interference message from the North continues.

"We thought that as a...hmm...celebration," the man says, his voice dripping with amusement upon speaking the out-of-place word, "of being in the arena for twelve days - the number of districts in our country - we would spice up this very special day in the arena."

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