Matt's day

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|matt's pov|
I'm asleep in my boyfriend's bed I stayed the night because I didn't feel like going home when athena dropped me off so I asked her to drop me off at Jack's and I stayed and watched movies with him and we both fell asleep we were back to back and something later in the night we shifted and he was facing forwards and my back was to him it becomes morning  and, I wake up and look over my shoulder to see my boyfriend on his phone he normally wakes up before me so I turn to face him
"Morning babe"
He turns to me
"Morning~" he says in a sing song voice I giggle and hug him.
"Do we gotta go to school today?" I ask.
"Yea I believe so- wait what day is it?"  he looks at his phone "oh it's saturday phew" he lays back down only to get back up again. "wait I'm a horse trainer dang it" he sits up and puts on his jeans and red flannel button up on and puts a leather vest over it " come on your coming with me today!" he says excitedly
"O-oh ok I get up and put on his blue flannel and my black jeans that I bought with me
"Ready?" he says with a joyful smile with his hand out to me. I take his hand and we walk out of his room past his sister's rooms and then out the door too his cream colored truck and he opens the door for me and I get in then he gets in on the driverside and starts the truck and we drive off too the ranch he works at.
30 minutes  later ,we dive up to the ranch Jack gets out and opens my side I hop out as soon as he opens the door, he then closes it behind me and we walk up. He goes and waits for the kid that he is training, this kid gets dropped off by her mom then picked up a hour or two later, so me and Jack sorta babysit her but she is pretty easy to work with she is a good listener she listens to me or Jack since I know how to deal with kids and Jack knows how to deal with horses perfect trainer couple am I right.
-- 20 mins later --
The lady is here good, I love her kid, this little girl's name is Tami I don't know the last name I'll have too ask Jack. Speaking of him I poke him.
"Yas?" he says cleaning the tack.
"Tami is here"
"Oh good well let's head to the front with the lead rope and halter"
Me and Jack walk to where they parked once they stopped the car Tami got out as soon as possible and ran up and hugged my legs I picked her up and held her
"Hey Tam-Tam you ready to ride today"
"Ready as I'll ever be!" she smiled cheerfully. I'm so happy I get to work with this girl. Jack tells her mom bye and the mom drives off and I set Tami down now she is to my hip I'm 5ft 2 and my boyfriend is 6ft. I walk off with them and Jack gives Tami the halter and lead rope and she goes into the pastor and brings out the horse that is her lesson horse, it's a pretty white and cream paint with one blue eye,  he is a real pretty boy then Jack goes and grabs his horse Olympus and also get Prism for me we all head to the barn and get our tack out. me and Jack help her every once in a while if needed.
"Me and Prism are ready what about you too?"
"Yeah i'm ready" Tami chirps.
" same here" Jack says smiling like a fool.
I smile back at him and her and we take our horses to the big training pin that we have room to move around if a horse goes berserk or for more the just a trainer and the student like either the kid's mom or dad or the trainer's "assenit"
"Ready" Jack asks Tami
"Of course!" she says back.
"Alright I want to see you take Moon around a few times on a walk then a trot and then gallop and then canter. Ok?" Jack instructs her.
"Alright." she taps her heels to the sides of Moon and he starts walking.
I watch her and tell her to stay calm every time I see her tense. She gets him to a trot
"Keep it up Tami. keep him going. "
She nods and keeps Moon at a trot then she finally gets him to a gallop then after a few laps of that she gets him to a canter. (between a trot and a gallop) 
     Two hours later her mom comes and picks up Tami we say our goodbyes and they leave Jack and Me walk and make sure the horses are good for the night.As soon as Prism, Olympus and the other horses are good for the night Jack clocks out and walks off too the truck with me.         Following he opens my side and I get in, he is such a gentleman, I sit down and buckle up he gets in and does the same. He starts the truck and he pulls out and drives off.
"So what do you want for dinner?" he asks me
"Hmmm Ramen"
We get home and he parks and gets out and opens my door I get out we walk up to the door and unlocks it with his key. I walk in and he walks in behind me closing the door
"It looks like Glare is home and so is Jim, Michael and David" he lists his siblings out loud seeing their things.
"Looks like it" now I have only met Jim and Glare. Michael is usually out and David is a DJ at a Strip club and two gay bars. It was a surprise to the both of us since Jack told me about his siblings that are barely home. Glare stays and looks after the house, Jim works the night shift at walmart, Michael goes out and as I stated where David works. So we head to the living room and I see Glare sitting in one of the recliners and Michael in the other, Jim is spread out on the couch and David is in the smaller recliner.
"Hey guys." Jack says as I stand next to him. Let me tell you his brother, Michael, doesn't really like gay guys so he doesn't like it when I'm in the house but, he has came around I think and hope at least.
"Hai~!" Glare hollers.
"Sup.."Michael says with a bored expression.
"hey ya." Jim says gleefully.
"Hay." david says a bit cherry.
Jack walks over and sits in the love seat they have in there. He pats a spot next to him and I walk over and, sit down next to him. They start up the vines they were watching.
Two hours and thirty minutes later I feel a vibration of my phone I pull it out of my pocket and see a notification.
"Oh my"
"What babe?" Jack asks and I hear a gag in the background from Michael 
"The school it got burned down"
"Woah! Really?!"
"Yea" I show him the notification that I got
"Well then you should text jen and Athena and see if they know about it"
I open my phone to a group chat I have with them I open it.
(bold-jen/italics-Athena /underline -matt)(text convo)
¨Oh my gosh did you two get the notification?!¨
Drama king pops up on athena's screen 
Matty pops up on jen's screen
"Guys did you see the notification?"
"What notification"
"Can't I take a nap in peace?"
"Oh shut up Athena..."
"OW! Why did you kick me?!?!?"
"Because I can.. You kept me up all night"
"That's not my fault"
"Jesus shut up already.."
"Anyways what notification are you talkin' about?"
"The school"
"What about it?"
"It burnt down today! Are y'all clueless or something?!"
"Athena is typing something long hang on."
"Alright listen Drama King calm the fu*k down. And yes, we never got a notification but also why should we care?! Yes it's where we go to school but we get this year passed now. Till they get it rebuilt we're fine! What's the big deal Drama King what's got your panties in a knot?"
    At this point I'm mad enough that they don't care about the school that I practically threw my phone across the room and walked off to Jack's room. I open the door and open it and slam it I sit on his bed and lay back about to cry in frustration then I hear the door creek open and close I see Jack and he hops on the bed with me and we just lay there in silence, he hugs me.  

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