Athena's day

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(Athena's P.O.V) {hewwo}
I toss and turn as the night goes on. My cat comes and lays with me. I pet her for a while and she seems to calm me down. I smile at her and, as I was about to drift off to sleep she gets up and decides she wants food so she jumps down from my bed. I can't seem to fall asleep so I turn on my night light and get my little doll out from my closet. I try and make as little noise as possible because my dad is a light sleeper and tends to get angry fairly easily. I manage to get her down and close my closet. I walk back to my bed and me and my overactive imagination, I imagine that there are hands trying to grab my ankles so I have to jump onto my bed. As soon as I do my cat purrs at me and I turn around quickly to look at her. "Jesus you scared me..." I say quietly.
I get under the covers and find my doll. Yes, it may be a bit childish that I sleep with a doll, but I can't sleep so... deal with it. I eventually drift off to sleep with my cat on my chest on my left and my doll on the right. I wake up with my cat by my feet and my doll on the floor. I look at the clock and it's 6:00 A.M. I went to sleep at 1:30 A.M. and I'm surprisingly awake. I stare at my ceiling for a moment, then I pick up my phone and see that Jen texted me. He always does this. He gets more sleep than I do because he takes a drug, and wakes up all healthy like.
I get up and go to the bathroom, then I walk to my room and, close my door. I turn on my "Artificial fire" as I like to call it. It's really my little space heater. I lay on my floor and try to think of what I wanna do for school. I look at my makeup box, I get up and start putting on my makeup. My little space heater following my movement. I get finished with my makeup and open my closet. I pick out some clothes. I walk out and my parents are asleep on the couch. I shake my head as I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and curl my hair. I look at the time and grab my bag and go. I grab my keys and whisper "Bye, mom. Bye, dad. Love you..." I open the door. As soon as I do the alarm goes off and I unarm it quickly. I forgot that I had an alarm since I disarmed my window... I close the door and get in my car. I start the engine and go, and drive around the town till the sun comes up. I'm stopped at a gas station when get a text from Jen again.
"Hey. can you come pick me up? My parents are being a *****"
Figures. I respond.
"Sure give me two minutes..."
    I filled up my car with gas and drove to Jen's house, I beep my horn and he walks outside with his bag on one shoulder and sulking. I unlock my car and he gets in then I lock the car back. Sitting in the driveway for a little watching and waiting for his parents to come out.
"What are you doing?" He says to me.
"Waiting for your parents"
"WhY!! I hate them right now!"
"I know."
"The doors are locked don't worry"
    His parents walk out and start cussing and raising their fist and start walking towards the car. I back up slowly and wait for them to get close enough. Then I switch the gears and drive forward. Jen chicken breaks and I tap, as in touching them slightly, his parents that are standing there still cussing. They both fall over somewhat softly and I back out the rest of the way, driving to school with Jen.
"They are never. NEVER! Going to let you inside the house ever again." he says turning around in his seat smiling and shaking his head. He then turns back around and puts on his seatbelt because I have a policy in my car.
"And you're not going there ever again until they fix their attitude with you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you're staying at my place and getting away from them. Eventually, they'll miss you."
"I doubt that..."
"I know you do. But trust me. They will."
    We arrive at school and we park then get out of my car. " I packed you a lunch" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes in response and I understand that. He doesn't eat that much. Which he should. I'm concerned for him at sometimes. We walk into the building and go to the cafe. I honestly could care less if I went in there. Every time I show up I get bombarded with "friends" and other people because I'm somewhat well known. I go and sit down at a different table and wait for Jen to be done socializing. Once he makes his way over to me he brings Matt along. I sigh and stand up knowing I'll have to hug them. Matt and I do a bro hug where you clap your hands together and then bring each other in for a hug but we add our own twist. After we hug we separate and keep holding hands then tap our shoes together then we let go snap and finger gun. Yes, it's a little flashy and weird but hey, what can I say we made it up when we were in kindergarten. I shake my head and then gave him a normal hug.
" we're so weird"
"Yeah. but, whatever" He says somewhat gayly. I chuckle and shake my head. Jen and Me finger gun away and walk off to our first period. Today's a "B" day so we have the same first period and last period. Our first period is coding. We walk in because the door is always normal open. We say our greetings to Mr. Eastwood or as we like to call him Mr. Perv you'll find out in a minute. We sit down at our desk with our computers that we have to leave in there. I lean back in my seat and start doodling. I notice Mr. perv over there that he's looking or glancing at me and Jen so I giggle and shake my head. As soon as class starts I raise my hand and Mr. Perv comes over to me, it's obvious that he has a hard on so I point it out to Jen and he snickers and I smile.
"Yes? What do you need?"
"Umm. can I go to the bathroom, please?"
"Not during the first ten minutes of class"
"Oh. okay. I'm sorry"
"Why didn't you go before the bell rang"
"I didn't have to go then and y bladder is in a different schedule than school"
"I could probably train it." He says kind of quietly.
"Excuse me?"
"Umm... nevermind you are free to go to the  bathroom"
    I nod and I walk to the bathroom. I was meeting Hera there because I had gotten a text earlier that I didn't want to talk about, I walk to the bathroom and sigh as I look at her. Her and I go into the bathroom and thankfully that no one is in there. We close the door and put out of order on it. I turn around and look at her this would most likely be the last time that I was in here alone with her because they were planning on taking the doors off the entrance because of people having sex in there. "You need me?" I asked
"Yeah we need to talk about our relationship..." she says looking down.
"I think it's perfect though!" I'm trying to keep this light-heartedly.
"I don't."
I look at her and seem a surprise "umm. Okay. what's wrong with it?"
"I don't see us being together anymore."
"Oh. okay. I see what this is."
She looks at me in the eyes and she has tears in her eyes and she looks like she's about to cry. I hold back my tears.
"So, we're over then?" I as I look down and move my foot and then look back at her. She nods her head with her hand over her mouth and she's crying at this point. I nod and sigh and I open the door and remove the sign. I then walk back to class and sit down. I look a little shaken up so Jen asks me "What's wrong" I respond with a head shake and get out my sketchbook as I angrily doodle and scribble. A few tears drop on my page but I hide it with my hair. I sigh when the bell rings and grab my stuff together, I have a tendency to wipe my face and not look like I was crying so you know that's the plus side. I put all of my stuff in my bag and slap on a smile. I look up at Jen and smile. He doesn't notice too much  so we just go on with our day. From there it's pretty explanatory. I went to all my classes and then lunch and then more classes. When I came to my last class I was talking to Jen and giggling as I was drawing on his hands with eyeliner. He forgot about this morning so I don't have to deal with questions. I finish with his hand and it looks like a robot so I'm happy he's happy and sense I take myself home I stay after school for a little but also I have to take Jen with me so I asked him, "Hey, Do you want to stay after school with me or do you want to get out of here?"
"I'd rather get out of this hell hole"
"Yeah but I also need to study and also also our sign language teacher is here so..."
"Yeah... but still."
"Okay, come with me for a little and then we'll get out of here."
    We walk to our teacher ask her a couple questions and then walk to the back of the school and get in my car.
"Where to?"
"My parents are probably worried sick"
"Marble slab it is then."
"Isn't that place expensive?"
"It can be but, I've been saving up money for it, wanna go pick up matt?"
"HELL YEAH! Feelings for my parents gone!"
"Alright to marble slab with us and Matt then"
     We drive off to marble slab with Matt and then when we get done I drive Matt back to his house and take Jen with me to my house. I look at him and tell him go to my room immediately so my parents don't notice. Jen and I run to my room, my parents are in their room so we don't have to worry about it, I then go to the fridge fix some food and walk back to my room and give some of the food to Jen.
"You know you don't have to do this Athena.."
"I may not have to. But I want to." I sit down on my bed as Jen eats his noodles that I just made him.
"Thank you."
"No problem"
    As soon as he's done with it I take the plate with me and put it in the sink I tell my parents goodnight and as I do that I tell them my situation, they seem okay with it as long as he's not doing anything sketchy and, I reassured him that me and him are just friends. I walk back to my room and grab some clothes I then head to my bathroom and change, when I come back out I look at Jen.
"Umm where am I going to sleep?"
"Well I mean you can sleep on the floor, ot in the bed, or on the couch, your choice."
    He shrugs so I picked the bed for him, I have an extra drawer for him at my house so I pull that out and hand him his clothes. I turn around and he puts them on. As I turn back around I take his clothes put them near his dawer and then get in bed as well. He's at the foot of my bed I'm at my head board. We both then talk for an hour with the lights off about what's going to happen tomorrow and we eventually fall asleep, I shove my doll between the mattress and the headboard and he didn't notice a thing.

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