Chapter 6

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I plucked the car keys out of Achilles' pocket on the way to the parking lot. "I'm driving." I said.

Achilles shrugged, yawning. "Sure."

He seemed like one of those people who got sleepy after a big meal and a long day. He'd probably fall asleep in the car. Achilles' hair was still a bit wet from the water park and it had been exhilarating to see his bare chest exposed. Whether or not I would admit it to him, Achilles was rather appetizing eye candy.  I watched him while he pretended not to watch me.

After our first water slide, Achilles' shorts had slipped a bit in the back exposing not only just a bit of the swell of his ass but back dimples. But then he'd hiked up his shorts and tied the draw string tighter, not saying anything about it. His face was more expressive than I gave it credit for, the changes in expressions more subdued and subtle. He'd almost seemed embarrassed but pleased that I noticed him.

Once we settled in the car I turned on some quiet Tchaikovsky and by the time Achilles strapped himself in he was already nodding off.

I took Achilles' impromptu nap as an opportunity to snack on some blood. I got out of the car to take a packet out of my blood cooler. I tore open the cap and started drinking before getting into my seat.

Once I strapped in I checked our route realizing that we should probably stay somewhere overnight. I booked a two bedroom suite just before the Connecticut border and put the car in drive to start going. The purr of the engine was quieter than the deep breathing of Achilles' sleep. I steered with one hand while finishing a packet, noticing the car beside me had two men in the front seat and three kids in the back.

I didn't even have to watch for too long to know they were a couple and those were their kids. I wished Achilles was awake to see that it wasn't so far fetched. But he was already lightly snoring lost to the realm of sleep.


Achilles woke up a few hours later, looking confused. He knuckled his eyes before talking in a thick voice. "Are we there yet?"

"No, sweet cheeks. We're not there yet. Are you hungry?" I'd heard shifters ate a lot but I wasn't sure how much. But then Achilles' stomach growled noisily and he blinked. He yawned, his jaw opening to reveal canines pushing out from the gums along with perfectly straight rows of teeth.

"I'm starving." He said, slipping his hand under his shirt and scratching his stomach. I looked at the trail of hair leading down into his waistband and then put my eyes back on the road. "Uh. Where are we, Xander?"

"We're on the highway. Two hours out from our next stop. We'll drive over to this town just before the Connecticut border then we'll stop for the night."

He looked panicked for a moment. "I need to go."


"To the bathroom?"

I looked over at him for one long second. "There's probably an empty water bottle around here somewhere..."

"Can't we just stop? And eat, too? I feel fucking cramped in here." And then he was fidgeting. It was small and restrained, but fidgeting none the less. Tapping the dash and squirming in his seat.

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