Chapter 1

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The Apocalypse, is what they are calling it on the radio. We are sitting in the center of this small apartment eating saltines and spam. I can hear the moans of the biters outside, and the screams of the people being eaten alive by the biters. None of us are talking. Noise attracts them and we already have two trying to break down the heavily bolted door. As I hear the screams coming from outside I think over and over in my head 'we are still alive. we are still alive...' it's like it's on repeat in my head.

Some of the radio stations ,started going dead. After a while all that played warning repeats and static. The warning repeat said 'Warning. Please remain in your houses. Don't get bitten. Stay calm.' over and over. The screams became more mute, and the moans eventually flushed out of the hall a little bit, yet here I was siting here with eight people I barely know.

The biters got to be fewer and fewer. It is now 3am and none of us have said a word to each other sense 4pm yesterday. We have been sitting here in darkness for eleven hours now.

"What are they, dad?" a little girl said breaking the silence.

The girl was probably ten or eleven. she had medium length light brown hair it was curled at the ends. her eyes were a suddle blue. She was very pretty.

"I don't know," the man next to her said, it must have been her father.

It just hit me that I barely know the people here. I know Andrew and Julia, but not the rest of them.

"There aren't many bitters outside right now," Andrew proclaimed.

"We should probably get to know each other a little bit," the girl sitting next to Andrew proclaimed.

She has dark brown hair, and her grey beetles t-shirt is stained with blood. The blood has dried so i don't think it's a bite. She looks around 23-ish.

"My name is Halle," she said.

"Dash," a guy who looks similar to Halle. 'Maybe their twins.' I thought

"Julia," my friend said. She was sitting right next to me. She is looking at me expecting me to say my name.

"Bev," I say. It's a nickname, Julia started calling me Bev in first grade and it kind of stuck.

"Andrew," my other friend said. He started hanging out with Julia and I in fifth grade. Despite what other people think we are all just friends.

"Tristan," the guy sitting next to Julia told us, quietly. Obviously still worried about the bitters.

"Peter." Another boy announced as if trying to draw attention.

"Phillip," the man from before said, quietly, "and this is Penny" referring to the little girl.

A sudden screech and gunshots came from outside. I got up dimmed the light a little more and peek out the window.

I saw a girl being torn apart limb by limb. blood soaking her white t-shirt. The sun was starting to rise so I could see her faintly. She was bitten on her left shoulder. She started to cry. I wanted to go out and help her, but once you get bitten your gone. The Fever just takes you. She shot one in the heart, but to my surprise it kept coming. She put three more bullets in it heart, but it just kept coming. She shifted her gun to the bitters head. It fell dead within seconds of the bullet hitting it's head. She started to cry again. She stared at her silver gun up to her head and pulled the trigger.

"What happened!" Dash asked me, frantically.

He was now right beside me. He drew back a small bit of the curtain. he saw dead bodies pilled up on the streets.

"She got bitten, then shot herself," I told him,"they only kill with a head shot."

"Who only is killed with a head shot?" he asked me with a confused look on his face.

"The bitters."

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