Chapter 2

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And there I was, seated at the rectangular oak-wooden table, three countries staring back at me. In my hands I held a maroon cup, steaming with a piping hot substance of tea. I had to wonder, how did import work in this world? Was it something akin of giving gifts? Where did countries live?

"So," Germany started, pushing up his silver rimmed glasses as his brows furrowed. "Tell us what happened." They were willing to listen, at least. I didn't feel that they were as distrusting of me as they were before, seeing as I was just as confused as they were. Trailing my thumb over the rim of the mug, I started recounting my tale, as well as I could.

"I don't think I come from here." The words flooded out of my mouth before I could properly articulate them, and I was once again lost in my own thoughts, my surroundings fading away as the void returned to my head. "I haven't seen anyone that look akin to you, at least. I come from a world that's surrounded by people like me. This morning, I was doing my usual routine. I woke up, ate food, and went out to get groceries.. I think.. did I?" The void around me swirled, as if there was no answer lying within their dozens of layers. What happened? "..did I?" I repeated, lowering my gaze to my hands as I clenched them. "And after that I.." I remember shocked faces, and my own coughing rang in my ears, but what happened? Did I die? Did I get a coughing spree? ".. I don't know.. but I think I died.."

And yet, I felt like a lie once again. Was it because I did not know the truth, or because I knew it couldn't- no, it shouldn't be true? Because here I was at the dinner table, feeling the heat of my drink and the tension of the others. I felt muscles move under my skin and my lungs expand and shrink as I breathed. What was I?

"So you're dead?" America repeated, his balled fists clenching and releasing as he gazed at his friends with wide eyes "I told you it was an alien—" "-just use she, you benevolent prick." Germany shot back, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "And she's not an alien.. god.." the black-red-yellow country dropped his hand on the table with a soft thud, his searching eyes reaching mine, as if he were hoping to find some hidden secrets there. But there was nothing. "..So what do we do with you?" a soft mutter, yet it felt like a shout in the endless darkness. The silence that followed it was deafening, and I couldn't help but avoid all their gazes, picking at my nails subconsciously, hoping for a way out.

"Simple, we keep it- her here." A voice that hadn't spoken up before let out his thoughts, and I feebly lifted my head to look at Russia. He wasn't looking at me, but at the other countries, who gave him plain, thoughtful looks "..I wouldn't feel good about kicking someone out, especially at this kind of year, either.. but.." America murmured, turning his gaze towards Germany, who merely grimaced. I could tell there were thousands of thoughts spinning around in the country's head, and I could almost assure none of them were good. "We'll discuss this," his gaze flickered over to me, before looking back at his roommates "..In private, please. Come to my room. Stranger, don't break anything." They all turned towards me once more, as I nodded silently, staring at the tea that was slowly growing cold. With a few wordless shuffles, and scrapings of chairs against the marble floor, they left the room, and me, alone. And there I was again, trapped within my thoughts.

My first complaint with this whole situation was that no one asked my opinion on the whole 'living with countries' thing. Of course, I had nowhere to go, and yes, it was still winter, but I would've liked to get my opinion in. For all I knew, they were dangerous. I mean, have you seen the history with Russia? I'm not sure about this. My second complaint is that, well, let's be honest, where was I? I kind of would rather be home right now, eating some broccoli I got from the store and binging whatever show there was marathoning on BBC. Although the surroundings that I used to live in faded from my mind, I couldn't help but wish to be there again.

Gripping the cup within my hands tighter, I stared deep into the distance, raking my memory. I hadn't realized the three had come into the room, staring at me staring at the wall. Germany cleared his throat and I shot up, spilling some lukewarm tea on the back of my hand. "F-Fuck I'm sorry-" I squeaked, wiping the spilled liquid with the hem of my sleeve. They took seat back in their designated places, and Germany folded his hands.

"We'd be willing to let you stay here." Germany began his spiel, straightening his shoulders as he looked at me with an authoritarian gaze. "That is, until we see you are fit to take care of yourself, or until you're able to head back home. Does that sound like a deal?" He reached out his hand, and I stared at it for a second, before reaching over to shake it. "S-sure." Germany seemed pleased, before asking me another question, one I wasn't sure how to answer.

"But first, who are you?"

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