Better than Expected

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Kaycee and Kenneth's Apartment

"Wow so you would rather have Josh as the stepdad then me," Kenneth said

"After my whole story, that's what you take out of it?" Bailey asked as Kenneth just nodded "Unbelievable!"

"Well I mean to me as a fellow guy it seems like Sean is obviously still upset at the news as you basically almost replaced him for his best friend but he still deeply cares for you so once his head is clear and you tell him that you're preggers then you two should be good," Kenneth said

"You act like he'll be happy I'm pregnant," Bailey said

"Oh, you have no idea," Kenneth said

"Well, are you going to finally tell Kaycee the actually good news or keep treating it like a cheating scandal?" Bailey asked

"It's not good news, I'll be on tour away from her she's going to hate that!" Kenneth said

"Doubt it," Bailey said "Look Kaycee and I never been close but for her not to support your dreams is not like her"

"But her dream is to have a normal-ish life and get married get a house and all that stuff being a musician is like the exact opposite," Kenneth said "I need to support her dreams as well"

"Well it'll just show if she loves you for you or just for her shortcut to get married," Bailey said

"I thought you were supposed to support me not be honest," Kenneth said

"Hey I'm your best friend, not your girlfriend anymore, no more coddling, put on your big boy pants and tell her," Bailey said

"How did I ever date you?" Kenneth said to himself

"Beats me," Kaycee said as she and Sean walked into the apartment "Hey Bailey"

"Kaycee" Bailey simply said as her eyes were drawn to Sean's "So..."

"I want to stay with you," Sean said as Bailey leaped into his arms and cheered

"Told you," Kenneth said as he saw his two high school best friends kiss

"Tell me what's going on with AC now!" Kaycee said

"...AC is offering to go on tour with her" Kenneth said as Kaycee's eyes widened as she knows this was Kenneth's dream "It's also a PR stunt to make me and AC close so we had to become best friends so fans can think there's a potential thing"

"That's amazing!" Kaycee said giving Kenneth a hug "Why wouldn't you tell me that?!"

"Tour means I'll be away from here for a long time... Away from you," Kenneth said as Kaycee now sees the issue Kenneth's been having

"Kenneth, you don't need to worry about that" Kaycee said

"But I basically just proposed and we're finally being settled in our lives and now I would have to leave and-"

"-Kenneth there's no need to worry," Kaycee said cutting him off "Because I'm coming with you!"

"Wait, what?" Kenneth said

"Wait, what?!" Bailey and Sean said

"Yeah! It'll be fun! We'll explore the world see, crazy sights, and I get to keep that AC girl off you! It's a win-win" Kaycee said

"So, it is because she's jealous," Sean said to Bailey but everyone heard

"Like how you were jealous of Josh then yeah," Kaycee said as Sean stopped talking as she was partially right

"But what about the wedding? And your job?!" Kenneth said

"With my job, I can always find some kind of work" Kaycee said "And besides I gave Sean 3 years for him to make a move and you did it in 1 so I guess I can be more patient with the actual planning process, Tahani has been planning her ideas for our wedding since that swap ended so I know she'll be happy having a bit more time to prepare, even if I don't use her ideas"

"Well, that's great! Congrats! But I think we should go" Bailey said as she and Sean walked out

"See ya you two" Sean added on their way out

"Besides even if I can't join you, then I can wait, I've learned to be patient," Kaycee said "Besides it'll be cool being engaged to a pop star"

"You're the best," Kenneth said hugging her tightly

"I know!" Kaycee said making Kenneth laugh "Ok but seriously who is this AC to you?"

"She's like the foreign exchange student, new and lost and I was like her guide when Josh made me her new writer," Kenneth explained "Over time we got close mostly because I would be the only one she would talk to, and it got to the point that she would call me to keep talking outside of work, which explains the early morning and late night calls"

"I understand," Kaycee said

"You do?" Kenneth questioned but understood he didn't do anything crazy or really anything to trip her up besides those late-night calls

"Yeah," Kaycee said as Kenneth hugged her "This is all Josh's fault!" as between Josh pairing AC and Kenneth up and kissing Bailey he's been the common variable of all their problems lately

"Agreed!" Kenneth said as they laughed

Sean and Bailey's Apartment

"It's good to be home and not have any more surprises!" Bailey said walking inside only to turn around "Oh my God"

"Bailey Sok, will you marry me?" Sean said

"Sean..." Bailey said still stunned

"I was going to say it earlier but I didn't want to go too fast but I feel now is the best time," Sean said, "Will you marry me?!"

"Yes!" Bailey said accepting the ring

"Yes!" Sean said as he hugged her

"I'm pregnant!" Bailey said in happiness only to see Sean fall into the couch "Sean?!"

"I'm going to be a father?" Sean questioned

"And I'm going to be a mother..." Bailey said wondering how Sean's going to take it

"This is awesome!" Sean said jumping up a cheering by yelling and running down the hall making Bailey laugh "I'm going to be a dad!"

"Well that went better than expected," Bailey said


(The End)

(Just something small to the request of gloon_fire)

(Alternate Chapter Title: Josh's Fault)

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