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Daryl and I were cooking up the squirrels Merle brought back while he showered up at the house when Carol came running down to see us.

"We can't find Lori - and the others aren't back yet either." Carol was looking between Daryl and I like this was our problem.

"Yeah. That dumb bitch must've gone off looking for 'em." Daryl said with a grunt, glancing over at me as I rotated the meat over the fire.


"Yeah, she asked me to go. Said no. Figured she had decided to stay since El helped out Beth. Guess not."

"Any you didn't say anything?" I just watched as Daryl rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything, and he shifted uncomfortable next to me when she just stared at him.

"Don't do this. Please. I've already lost my girl." Daryl let out a scoff and glared up at the woman.

"That wasn't my problem neither. And I'm not yours to lose." Daryl glanced over at me and then back to the sticks in his hands, and Carol huffed before she walked away.

"Are you okay?" I whispered gently, resting my hand over his where they were clasped in front of him.

"I'm fine." Daryl said, and I could tell he was struggling to not push me away, so I removed my hand, and went back to making our food. After awhile everything was done, and Merle had come back down and was sitting on my other side while we ate. When it was late, and very dark, Daryl helped me back into our tent, and left me alone so I could change. It was difficult, and took me awhile, and by the time I was done, and ready to call Daryl back in, we had another visitor, and when I heard Carol talking again I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Keeping an eye on you."

"Ain't you a peach?" Daryl growled out, and I couldn't help but wonder where Merle was, maybe he was hiding in his tent like I was?

"I'm not gonna let you pull away. You've earned your place."

"If you spent half your time minding your daughter's business, instead of making other people watch her, and sticking your nose in everyone else's, she'd still be alive!"

"Go ahead."

"Go ahead and what? Just go! I don't want you here! You're a real piece of work lady. Get off my damn back. I am not your husband, not your boyfriend, hell I don't even fucking like you. You ain't my problem. So get out of here." Before she could reply, Daryl was bursting through the tent flap, and plopping himself down onto the cot. Before I could say anything to Daryl, we both looked at the flap when Merle's voice broke out.

"You're a real stupid bitch aren't ya? Can't you see that he only has eyes for one person? And I'm sorry to say it, but that ain't you. Why do you keep bugging him? Us? You would save yourself a whole lot of hurt if you just shoved off." And then soft footsteps could be heard running away, getting softer the further they went. Then Merle went back into his tent, and it was quiet again.

"I know I keep asking you this... but are you okay? You seemed really upset about Carol..." I trailed off when Daryl looked up from his hands to look me in the eye.

"I didn't know you could hear that."

"Well yeah... it's a tent... I mean you heard Merle... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you were kind of loud." I said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's fine. It's just... she's annoying. Acting like I searched for her kid for her. Not for the kid. She's delusional, I swear." I let a smile slip onto my face, glad that he didn't do it for her, but I don't know why.

"Well... I can see where she's coming from. You're not an unattractive guy Daryl." I gave him a little wink when he started to blush, making his face go as red as a tomato, before I continued.

"You're a great guy. It makes sense that she has feelings for you."

"It doesn't but thanks anyway." Daryl said with a scoff, and then he flopped back onto his cot, looking up at the roof.

"It does. You are sweet, considerate, you risked your life trying to find her daughter. It makes sense."

"I didn't do it for her. And I'm not."

"Well why did you do it then? And yes you are, what are you talking about? You have literally been carrying me around for days."

"For you. You were screwed up about losing that girl. And like I said... I do it for you."


"Why what?" Daryl grunted, looking over at me from where he was laying.

"Why are you doing all this for me? You just met me..."

"You saved my brother. You understand me. I just... I do it for you. 'Cause it's what you deserve."

"I don't understand Daryl. What makes me different from Carol, Andrea, Maggie, Beth?" I watched him as he ran his hands through his hair anxiously, sat up and looked at me. Rested his elbows on his knees and leaned forward so he could look me in the eye.

"Look... I know you don't remember meeting me... or anything that we've been through. So I know you can't return these feelings, and you probably wouldn't have even if you did... but... Merle was right. I only have eyes for one person. It's you... you're it for me." Daryl was looking at his hands again, like he was nervous about what I would say. So I didn't speak.

I leaned forward, grabbed his hands, and when he looked up at me, I glanced at his lips, letting him know what I was planning, giving him the chance to move away, and when he didn't. I moved in.

Holy mother. This man... he has to be the best kisser in the world, even with my limited experience, I could tell that this man knew what he was doing. He didn't hesitate after my lips touched his, his legs enveloped mine, slotting over them perfectly, like we were made to fit. His hands clasped mine, pulling himself closer since I couldn't, and ran his tongue over my lower lip, trying to get me to open up, and when I did, I saw white behind my eyelids. It was perfect, and when we finally pulled away, we were both panting.

"I may not remember everything Daryl. But I know how I felt, how I feel about you. You're it for me too. I knew it as soon as I saw you when I woke up. And I know that I knew it before, I'm just sorry that I don't remember." Daryl didn't say anything, just gave me a tiny smile, and leaned back in. 


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