Signless: Protect Equius

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~Signless POV~

It's still early by the time we reach the market. Some of the vendors are still setting up their stands. There is already a rather large crowd gathered. Trolls of all ages and blood colors have gathered to buy and sell their wares. There's a large selection on sale, everything from fruit to fabric. There are a few vendors selling weapons and armour. Some are even selling toys. This large selection most likely has to do with this town being connected to a large port.

The five of us are gathered off to the side, out of everyone's way, discussing what we need and who will be in charge of finding what. We have decided to split into two groups. "Dolorosa and Disciple," I say, "you will be in charge of food."

"Any special requests?" Dolorosa asks.

Disciple and Psiioniic shake their heads. Equius stays quiet but moves closer to me. "Just keep in mind that Equius doesn't eat meat, please."

"Lots of fruits and veggies," Disciple says with a huge smile. "Noted."

"Psiioniic, Equius, and I will replenish our medical supply."

"You remember which herbs I need, right," Disciple asks. Last time I forgot, so she wrote me a list. She makes a lot of the medicines that we have. Each specially formulated for each member of our party.

I hold up the paper with the list, "It's kind of hard to forget something that's written down." She pouts for a second before turning and walking away.

"Good luck," Dolorosa says over her shoulder as she follows Disciple.

After a few hours of searching, we've found half of the herbs on Disciple's list and Equius' limp is back. He's trying to hide it though. We stop at another stand and purchase three more of the herbs from the list. Six left.

"Is he okay?" Psiioniic asks me quietly. I follow his gaze and find that Equius has fallen way behind. His limp is worse than it was a few minutes ago, he's stumbling every few steps, and the bandage around his knee has a slight blue tint.

"Give us a second," I say. I don't wait for a response before approaching Equius, catching him by the shoulders as he stumbles again and almost falls. "Hey."

He just looks up at me, pain in his eyes.

"Come on," I say leading him over to a nearby bench. "You could have told me earlier that your knee hurt."

"I know," he mumbles as I remove the bandage. He hands me a new bandage and the last of the medicine Disciple made for him, captalogging the old one.

"Why didn't you?" I inquire as I apply the medicine.

"I didn't want to worry you."

As I rewrap his knee and look up at him, I say, "I'm your Guardian." I place a gentle kiss on his forehead and hold his hand. "Worrying about you is my job. If you're hurt or upset, I need to know so I can help you. Do you understand?" He nods once before looking around.

"I believe we've drawn a crowd," he whispers shyly. I look around, too. We have indeed drawn the attention of a small crowd. Some of the looks coming from the crowd are ones of curiosity, others not so much. Several glares are being shot at us.

~Equius POV~

The crowd that has gathered is starting to make me nervous. I've never liked crowds. My hands are shaking as I look around. I don't like the way some of the Trolls gathered are glaring at Signless. I really don't like the judgment in their eyes. I know that Guardianship isn't common, but it isn't by any means unheard of, though it is extremely rare for a male to become a Guardian.

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