Chapter Ten ~ On the Road...Again

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     I was scrambling around the room.

     The train was set to leave at 8:00. I thought if I woke up at 6:30, I would have enough time to finalize packing, get breakfast, and be at the station by 7:45.

     Well, I accidentally slept through my alarm. I cursed myself as I yanked my dirty, unfolded clothes into my suitcase. It was 7:17 and for me to make it on time, I would have to check out and leave by 7:45.

     My blue suitcase protested as I shoved shower kits and makeup into the already overcrowded compartments. It was proven that unfolded clothes took up more space than your average neatly packed garments.

     I swiftly pulled on a pair of cotton shorts that barely made it past my butt. I shrugged on an Alan Walker T-shirt as I haphazardly brushed my teeth with one hand and pulled on my dirty pair of Converse and sighed.

     I made a mental note to clean them later. Maybe on the train ride that was expected to last 27 hours.

     I finally zipped my suitcase shut and took a quick look around the hotel room. The bed was unmade, and every decorative item that sat on the side tables had been moved to the TV stand.

     When I was sure I had everything, including my sock with thousands of dollars in it, I settled my sunglasses on my face and my fingers tightened around my purse straps. With my suitcase in hand, I walked down to reception.

   "Checking out, Miss?"

     I looked around before returning her worried gaze.


     She looked up at me and smiled. "What's your last name?"

     "Monelle, Olivia." I spoke lowly. I hoped no one recognized me and would report their sightings to the police.

     "Alright Olivia, you're set. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Palermo." The lady chirped. her name tag read 'Lacey'. It was fitting. Lacey had bleach blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I knew she was new; she looked young.

     "Thank you, I did." I replied. With a nod of her head, I walked out with my heavy suitcase trailing behind me. My phone read 7:35. I sighed and walked into a little cafe that was by the hotel. I stalked up with pastries and water, preparing for the long ride ahead.

     When I arrived at the station, Palermo Centrale Railway Station to be exact, I sighed with relief. I glanced at the sign which held the information if how much this would cost me.

     My breath was caught in my throat.

     I handed over my phone with the QR code to my ticket. The worker looked at me funny, scanned the QR, and gave me a ticket. I probably looked like a run away.

     Well, I was a run away.

     I boarded the train at 7:53. There were tables paired with green, velvet booths. Above my head, I could see cases for you to store your bags. I graciously tossed my suitcase up into a compartment and earned a few stares. It's not my fault no one offered to help me.

     I pushed back some of my blonde hair that escaped my messy bun. My sunglasses slipped down my nose a bit and I eagerly pushed them back. My purse was dropped onto the booth seat before bouncing slightly as I plopped down next to it.

     My phone buzzed.

Hey! How is your eye opening adventure going?

     Autumn. The girl I met at Charlie's. Consequently, also the night Zach stood me up and played us both like fiddles.

Amazing! I just left Palermo.

     The train started moving slowly, gaining speed.

That sounds so amazing! Where to next?

     I smiled as I typed my answer. I was ready to go to the place of my dreams; The Romantic City.

Paris. . .

     I have barely met this girl and yet I could picture her smile as she read her screen.

OMG! That is so exciting!!! Please take pictures for me.

     I was glad one other person shared my excitement for my journeys. Ever since I left four days ago, neither of my parents have been attempted to reach out to me.

     Did they realize I had even left? I was their only child, at one point they were bound to notice my failing attendance, or wonder about my missing car.

     My dad's face as I drove away from home flashed through my mind. Why hasn't he tried to contact me more than once? Did my parents call the police or notify the schools?

     I silently gasped for air. A middle aged man stared across the aisle at me. I wouldn't dare make a scene and have any more attention directed towards me.

     The same question rattled inside my head.

     Do Mom and Dad even care?

    I tried to focus on the freshly grown trees whipping by the large windows, but couldn't. We were going to fast for anything to be clear.

     An unclear amount of time passed as I sucked in ragged breaths while staring at the blur of colors outside. I glanced at my phone screen. The time was only 11:48, but I was starving. More afraid that my stomach would jump out of my torso and eat me if I didn't feed it soon.

     I looked through my bag of pastries that I brought for the ride. I settled on a classic cinnamon bun that was layered in glazed icing. I was astonished, for the bun was about the size of my hand. No matter what, I could always count on Palermo to keep me plump.

     I scrolled through my social media feed. Wherever I may go, whether it be in, or out of the United States, I needed to stay posted. I can't help that I am still a young girl obsessed with Jason Momoa!

     I started to drool a little as I scrolled farther into the internet, not sure if it was from the cinnamon buns or all the hot celebrities. (Jason Momoa of course, don't lie to yourselves.)

     After an hour of interweb searching, I found out that the average person walks enough in their life to circle the equator 5 times.

     I really don't know how that will be useful, but it can start a conversation.

     I also did a little research on Paris. I might as well just adjust to the time difference, because Paris is also 6 hours ahead. Just like Palermo.

     I slouched into my cushioned seat. I was somehow exhausted from the sudden awakening from this morning, and still affected by time differences. I decided to rest my head against the table, surrounded by my arms.

     A quick nap could do no harm. It would make this whole trip faster.

     I have seen enough movie to know that someone might try to steal from me. Even if they did, I didn't have much left that was worth anything here.

     Just to be safe, I straddled my purse in my lap and wrapped a strap around my arm. Then, I would wake up. I'm so smart.

     Not smart enough to pass the French quiz.

     I cleared my head of all negative thoughts and after a few bland minutes, fell asleep on the train to Paris.

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