It could be a boyfriend, a girlfriend,a best friend, a friend, a neighbor, an exam,a death,bullying etc. In life people get their heart broken. It can sometimes seem overwhelming but the most important thing to remember is that nothing lasts forever...
It may seem like your whole world is falling apart,sometimes you feel like everyone hates you, sometimes you feel alone, sometimes it seems like nothing is getting better. Situations like this often, makes people get in a deep depression or they may have suicidal thoughts in their head especially when it come to high school relationships.
Girls, boys in high school want sex, sometimes they will be patient with you,but the majority ofboys eagerly wants sex and if they don't get what they want, they will either dump you or cheat on you with someone else who is giving them the sex that you are not giving them. Girls please don't let any guy make you feel less than a person, don't let any guy try to change who you are as a person, don't let any guy make you do something that you are not comfortable with and never ever let a guy put his hand on you(like punching,slapping,kicking,) because a real man will never abuse a woman/ girl,it takes a little boy with a small IQ to get physical like that with a female.
Sometimes you might be with someone for a really longtime and you guys are getting bored of one another and feelings will fade, this is another reason why boys cheat on girls. Sometimes you might be with someone who means the world to you,but they don't feel the same way as you do for them and that could lead to a lot of issues in your relationship. Another reason why relationships fall apart is lack of communication, some people don't know how to talk to their partner about problems they both face in their relationship. Sometimes relationships just don't work no matter how much effort you put into one another...sooo I'm here to help you get over that person who broke your heart................
1)"Its okay to cry!"
You just got dumped or you just found out that you got cheated on,its okay to cry. If you don't cry, you are keeping that hurt you are feeling about that particular person...... sooo let it out ,cry how much you want but don't never let that person see you cry, the best place to cry is in the comfort of your own home.
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2) "Treat yourself!"
Yass girl u heard me,treat yourself, that means if u wanted that fashion nova outfit go buy it, go get your nails done, get your make up done, go to the salon, get a makeover,go on a shopping spree, go abroad, go eat ice cream, go to a party with your friends or have a sleepover with your friends because at this terrible time you need to remove all that negativity that blocking you from being happy. Take cute pics with your besties post on Instagram and show your ex that you are living your best life without him and that you don't need him to make you happy.
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