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"Not everyone is going to like you!"

I've learnt it the hard way but anyways I'll tell you a story:

"There were these two girls in class who never liked me and I never understood why and even if I've tried to be nice to them they would never be nice to me in return. It was soo embarrassing to find out that one of them used to be my boyfriend's girlfriend from many years back, anyways we had a group project in class and they were assigned to be in the same group as me and I'm known for being very hardworking and I always get total in my projects,sooo they really wanted to do good in this project sooo they were being very nice to me and they let me eat lunch with them and I thought my boyfriend's ex and I would be really good friends but she's a person who thinks she's better than everyone else and she has a horrible attitude ,actually no one likes her ,so we never became friends.They didn't help me in any way in the project by doing anything, they tried bossing me around but I've never took them on.When the project was over and I thought we were friends but again they started to treat me badly as they did before. Even up to today that girl doesn't like me,she might say some of the meanest things about me but I'm not giving her validation. Some people are mean towards others because they're hurting inside and being mean to you gives them satisfaction so I wouldn't let her horrible attitude bother me. "

And yeah...I've learnt many lessons from that experience.

Don't expect every single person you meet to like you,everyone is different in their own way and everyone has their own taste in people and things and they have different opinions  soooo...yeah.

So don't work up yourself to please someone who doesn't like you because it makes no sense and don't ever change yourself to please others because that is not you and no one could be you.

You're beautiful and special and talented and cool in your own way. If everyone in the world was the same it would be a boring place. 

Your uniqueness and brilliance would make others more interested in you.

Things I wish I knew before highschool...Where stories live. Discover now