Session 1

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Session 1

August is a volunteer counselor at the Rehab. He wanted to help youths turn over a new leaf and teach them to appreciate their life because he has been given a second chance too. Ruby is August's first patient and he is determined to make her change over a new leaf.

He entered Ruby's room and take a seat beside her.

"Hi, I am August. August Winston. I am your counselor at the Rehab. What is your name? " August held out his hand.

"Ruby. Ruby Sparrow." Ruby look out of the window while answering.

"Such a nice name you got there." August smiles nervously.

"Get a hold of yourself, August. You can do it."

"Hmm, how about we play a game of twenty questions? Let me get to know you more."

Ruby just continue to look out of the window.

August continued, "How old are you? I am twenty-year old."


"How many siblings do you have? I have a brother and a sister."

"I don't have a sibling."

"What kind of food do you like? I like sweet stuff like popcorn and ice-cream.

"Umph, me too."

After a round of twenty questions, August realize Ruby is still refusing to open up to him.

"Gosh, this one is a tough nut to crack."

"Oh yeah, after talking for so long, I still didn't know what you do to get in here."

"For stealing" she mumbled.

August nodded.

"Let me tell you a story."

"I was also send to this rehab for stealing. I was seventeen then. I remember my mother looking at me with tears in her eyes when she knew I was caught for stealing. She had a stroke after that."

He look at Ruby while he was saying his story, hoping to get a reaction from her. But no emotion is seen on her face.

 "So from then on, I was determined to change. I learn new skills and do meaningful things at the Rehab. I knew I have to change if I don't want my mother to cry and worry about me again. I changed, and now I have a bright future ahead of me. I got a career of my dream even though I dropped out of school. My mother is slowly recovering too." He said with a smile.

"Back then, I thought I was a lost cause. I am never ever going to do something meaningful with my life. Well, it took me 3 years. But look where I am right now."

"3 year? I didn't know committing a minor crime like stealing need to stay at the Rehab for 3 years. I thought it was 3 months. He must said it wrongly."  Ruby thoughts to herself.

August hold her hand with both hands and look at her intently. "Ruby, you can do the same too. Don't give up. As long as you live, there is hope."

His words hit Ruby, and Ruby wondered if she can do the same too. But the thought soon vanished as another thought appear. "It's just too late. I have gone too far. I have an addiction that I just can't kicks. I can't change. Even if I want to."

"August, why do you steal in the first place?"

August is surprised that he managed to get her to ask him a question.

"Wow, she asks me something. It's a great sign."

"It's actually quite a stupid thing. Alright. I will tell you. I did it for a girl."

"What? That's all?"

"Yeah, I did it for a girl. She promise she will be my girlfriend if I steal that limited edition Ducci purse for her."

"Woah. Didn't think you would have did that tho. You don't look that stupid." Ruby giggles.

"Hey, I am also human okay? I did stupid things too."

"When people are young, they can be foolish. Okay, Ruby, think it over. It is late now. I will talk to you again tomorrow." August said with a smile as he went off.

Ruby went back to her room in the Rehab.

August think to himself. "Well well well. Today's great. At least I got some responses from her. I need to find out her motive for stealing and how to motivate to choose the right path. Oh yes. I need to know her better so I can help her. She will change over a new leaf for sure.

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