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I decided not to text Calum right away, because if there was anything Sam had taught me, it was that it drives boys INSANE when girls play hard to get. He seemed to be playing that game as well, because throughout the majority of the week, the only interaction we had was a smirk every now and then.

Thursday, though, Calum decided to change that.

"Lyd! Wait up," he called just after the final bell rang.

"Couldn't take it anymore?" I teased him, cracking a small smile.

"Apparently not," he chuckled. "Anyways, a bunch of us are going to Ash's beach house for the long weekend. You should tag along; your friends are coming as well."

"Are you sure you're not taking me out there to murder me? We haven't even known each other a week," I laughed.

"I promise I'm not taking you out there to murder you," he responded, placing his hand over his heart.

"Alright, I'll come. When are you we leaving?"

"Tomorrow right after school. Be ready," he winked (which, by the way, wasn't much of a wink, but more of a twitch).


I immediately started packing when I got home, after asking my parents and them generously saying that it was fine, choosing the cutest bikinis that I owned, prepared to make Calum forget the words in his mouth when I stepped out wearing them. I didn't know when we were coming back, but you'd think we were going for two weeks with what I packed.

My phone buzzed as I finished packing my makeup with a text from Calum.

to: Lyd

Done packing yet?

to: Cal

like 5 more mins. why?

to: Lyd

Come outside

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion, but did what the text said and walked outside. Calum sat on the hood of his car with a smile on his face and a box in his hands.

"I figured you wouldn't be impressed if I brought you flowers, so I went with something you could actually put to use," Calum grinned, handing me the heart-shaped box of chocolates.

I smiled. "What's this for?"

"This is my way of asking you on a date. Like, right now. And if you say no, that'll be really awkward because I just drove all the way out here with a melting box of chocolates to be rejected and-"

"Yes," I laughed.

"Yes?" he sighed in relief.

"Let me just have five minutes to change," I insisted, gesturing down to my leggings and oversized T-shirt.

As I ran upstairs to change, I couldn't help but feel giddy about the whole situation. I didn't expect for us to talk at all after the night of the party, let alone for me to develop a small crush on him in the course of less than a week.

I quickly threw on a dark purple dress with my booties. I brushed through my long brown hair with my fingers and decided to let it be.

Calum was in the same position as before when I peeked out of my bedroom window, making me giggle. I jogged down the stairs, grabbing my small purse that hung off the chair in the kitchen.

"Ma, I'm going out. I'll be back in a few hours," I told her.

"Why are you going out on a Thursday?" she asked, not looking up from her computer.

"I have a... date," I responded, holding back a smile.

She smirked, and I knew I had to get out of here before she made fun of me or him. "Have fun!" she called after me.

Calum stood up as the door opened, smiling at my appearance. "You look gorgeous," he told me as I walked up in front of him. I thanked him, and walked to open the door, but he beat me to it. He didn't realize, though, that the car was locked when pulled on the handle, and he cursed under his breath as he fished for the keys in his pocket.

"This gentleman thing isn't really working out for you. It's okay, I know you're not, I teased.

He laughed and shoved me playfully, turning the radio on. Some shitty pop song blared from the speakers and even though neither of us knew the words, we still attempted to sing along.

Ten minutes and three horrible songs later, we bulled up to a small building.

"Bowling? Not bad, Hood," I nodded in approval.

"Glow-in-the-dark bowling," he corrected me.

He linked our hands together as we ran towards the set of double doors, bursting through them and inhaling the familiar scent. Freshman year, this used to be a safe haven for my friends and I, but as soon as sophomore and junior year rolled around, we became more interested in parties than bowling.

We both walked up to the counter and told the man working there our shoe sizes, and thanked him as he handed them to us.

"16 dollars," the man spoke. I already had the money in my hand by the time Calum was reaching in his wallet and stopping me from paying.

I rolled my eyes. "Boys literally pay for everything. I'm taking this one," I insisted, handing the man the money before Calum could fight back.

Choosing a neon yellow ball from the shelf, I walked over to our lane and entered our names. The overhead monitor showed that I was going first, so I walked up to the line and smirked back at Calum.

"You're going down, Hood," I challenged, turning back around and letting the ball shoot out of my hands. I smiled when I saw that I had knocked down every pin but one, and made a face at Calum behind me.

As the ball came back around, I geared up for my next shot. I ended up hitting one pin, causing Calum to burst out laughing and earning a shove from me.

Calum was up next, and he wasn't too bad, but in the end, I still beat him.

"Fuck this. Let's go get food," Calum grunted, obviously annoyed that he lost.

"In-N-Out?" I suggested, and he grinned widely before taking off towards the fast food restaurant.

After getting our food, we ate in the car, him making a few comments about how he'd never seen a girl eat so much before, which earned a shove from me, and started on the 15 minute drive home.

It was at least 10pm when we pulled up to my house, and I turned over and smiled. "I had a really nice time tonight, thanks for taking me out even though it was on the shortest notice ever," I giggled.

"No problem, I had fun, too," he grinned back.

He slowly leaned in, and I placed my hand on his chest to push him back.

"I don't kiss on the first date," I told him, raising my eyebrows.

"We both know this wasn't our first date," he rolled his eyes, pressing his lips to mine and cupping my cheek with his hand.

"Goodnight Calum. I'll see you tomorrow," I said after he pulled away, getting out of the car and walking to my front door.

Holy shit.


HEY I updated finally!!! this chapter is a filler and I didn't like it but you know it's still the beginning

THIS STORY REACHED 100 READS omg i know it's not a lot but it's a lot for me lol

also I wanna give a shoutout to @urbania (is that how you do users on here) because she writes one of my favorite Luke fics ever and she voted for this one and I had a heart attack osjsdn

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