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Y/N's hearing was drowned out as she stood behind her father, the president, who was giving a speech at the podium. Although she was barely listening to the words he was spewing, she was accustomed to this lifestyle by now— So much so that she had her naturally sweet smile plastered to her face at all times as cameras rolled, lights flashed, and her father continued speaking.

These times were the only times when Y/N's happiness wasn't completely genuine. Everyone in the White House swore that she always had a smile on her face no matter what, but once she stepped up to the podium, that smile faltered every time. The vulnerability of the situation made her anxious and she was always on her toes as she'd heard the fateful stories of famous figures being attacked while giving speeches or even merely standing on a stage. And given the current political climate, she didn't put it past people to attack.

An election was coming up and it was no secret that the majority of America was ready to boot her father out of the White House. They felt as if his policies were absurd and he had done nothing drastic to benefit the country. The other party had an extremely strong candidate that was on the verge of winning; the propaganda was only growing stronger day by day, and people would do anything to secure a vote.

That was the reason she was so relieved when her father ended his speech and everyone was ushered away from the stage and onto the short walkway back into the White House. The adults surrounding her are all chatted about the conference that had just been held but Y/N kept her head down until her father placed a hand on her back. He granted her a soft smile to which she reluctantly returned, though much more tight-lipped. He noticed her timidness but knew that she got this way after conferences, so he let her go, watching her run back into the White House.

Having the rest of the day to herself, Y/N spent the next few hours in her room reading through a new book she'd recently received. Her earbuds were in to block out the world and she'd dressed in her sweat clothes, hair up in a makeshift bun. This was a common trend of hers; After dinner she'd lock herself in her room and request not to be bothered until the next morning. The staff in the house usually abode by this rule, but tonight, something required her attention.

Her door creaked open and the movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention, her head to whipping up to see her Uncle Ryan standing in the doorway, a small grin on his face as per usual. Normally she'd be annoyed by someone interrupting her time, but seeing as the C.I.A. was only allowing him to visit for a short amount of time, she let this slide.

"What's up?" She inquired, shutting her book and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. He didn't say anything— only motioned for her to follow him. Y/N gave him an odd look but did as he said anyway, shutting her door behind her as he led her down the grand staircase.

"Now, just know that I don't like this either." Ryan spoke lowly, eyes shifting around suspiciously. "But we had no choice."

Y/N was compelled to ask him what he was talking about before she spotted a group of White House staff, including her father, all standing around a man in a suit. Her curiosity sparked as Ryan led her closer and closer to the group.

"Y/N, come here." Her father beckoned, the rest of the group splitting so that she could stand face to face with the aforementioned suit-clad man.

He's a bit pale, but that only made the rosiness in his cheeks more prominent. His hair was a mess of brown curls on his head and his lips were pressed together in a thin, straight line. He looked like he meant business in his attire, but it didn't intimidate her.

"Who is this?" She inquired with a quirk of her eyebrow, glancing at him up and down when he didn't speak.

"Your personal bodyguard." Ryan answered, and at that moment, she swore she could feel her heart dropping to the ground.

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