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Sneaking Y/N into the new hotel without being recognized was surprisingly easy, and though it wasn't as luxurious as the last place, Y/N knew that the one bed in the room would serve her much better than the cramped truck seats. Her exhaustion led her straight to it and she slammed face first onto the comforter, groaning out loudly.

Shawn allowed himself a short breath of a laugh, just as tired as she was, if not more. He set down the bags and flopped down on the couch, rubbing his hands over his eyes. All was silent between the two before he heard the bed's comforter shift as she turned her head to stare at him, a frown etched onto her lips.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked, her voice stark against the quiet.

"Trying to sleep." Shawn simply stated, not bothering at all to open his eyes and look at her. He shifted so that he was laying across the couch, placing his hands underneath his head for more comfort.

The girl sat up and became timid, not knowing how to word what she was thinking. She looked down at her lap and bit her lip as she muttered, "You can sleep in the bed too, you know. There's enough room."

"It's okay, I'm fine here, Y/N." He murmured, still refusing to open his eyes. "Just go to sleep."

"Please?" Y/N then pleaded weakly, something he hadn't expected at all. Tears threatened to build in her eyes as she shook her head, finally letting him in on the real reason she'd started this conversation. "I really don't want to be alone right now."

This was what it took for one of Shawn's eyes to split open, and when he noticed the look of fear and desperation on his face, he knew he had no choice. It seemed that seeing her cry was his trigger and once he saw it, he was done for. He'd go to the ends of the earth just to wipe the look of misery off of her face and that much scared him.

He stood and she allowed herself to smile when he climbed onto the queen-sized bed next to her, pulling the covers up above the both of them. The rustling of the material lasted for a few seconds before he'd gotten completely comfortable, both on their sides, staring at the other.

It was strange being there with each other in the eye of the hurricane while everything around them turned to chaos. They knew that when they woke up in the morning they would have to face reality again, but for the time being, they enjoyed the little rest they were allowed.

He was concerned when her small grin faltered and flipped into a frown, her eyes averting his gaze and her lips pressing together tightly.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked. It was an incredibly stupid question, considering there wasn't one thing that wasn't wrong, but he asked anyway.

Y/N poked out her bottom lip and blinked away the stinging in her eyes, shaking her head slowly. "I'm so scared, Shawn."

She didn't need to elaborate. Shawn knew exactly what she spoke of, sighing and biting his lip.

"I'm scared too." He admitted, his adam's apple bobbing when he took a harsh gulp. "But we'll be okay."

He wasn't one to display his emotions, particularly when it came to fear, but with her, he allowed himself to be vulnerable.

And he had to admit, he liked the feeling.


A loud yelp was pulled from her that next morning when Y/N was dragged off of the bed by her ankles, her body hitting the carpeted ground roughly. She winced and immediately scrambled away from the person, standing up to get into a defensive position. Her shoulders dropped when she realized that it was only Shawn, leaning on the wall with a smirk.

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