Chapter five

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I was sitting with Ori playing Pebbles when someone burst into the living room. Ori backed away as best she could while sitting. I didn't move. Mada came in drying a dish but dropped it and turned pale as if the dirty man was a slavemaster.

"Hurculum what are you doing here?" Mada said.
"They found you out, what do you think?" The man, Hurculum, said. "They already got Jerone, and they're moving here, fast."
This seemed to bring Mada out of shock. She nodded and told Ori to go get her clothes and put them in the bag the was under her bed, "Cyrus come help me pack Jerone's clothes." I followed Mada still not sure what was going on.

Moda pulled a Small backpack from under Jerone's bed and began putting his clothes into it. It didn't take long since he only had five outfits two of which were being worn. Moda also through my blankets on Jerone's bed.

"Moda, what's going on," I asked.
"The guards have found us out, they're coming to take us to prison. We need to leave." She said giving me a funny look.
"Oh, do you want me to go?" If I wasn't here they wouldn't have any proof that they were harboring a portaler.
"No, of course not," Mada said. "They'd take us even if you weren't here."

Mada and I walked back to the living room where Ori and Hurculum were. Ori has her backpack and her medical kit. Mada nodded to the man who smelled even worse than he looked. What I thought was mud on his boots I am beginning to think is waste. We got into the back of a truck and the truck immediately started driving into the woods. Everything passed in a blur, I could sometimes see a place I recognized from Gathering with Jerone, but it passed so fast I wasn't quite sure. Little black bugs started to appear the deeper into the forest we got, they seemed to like me, but I knew this planet was full of dangerous creatures.
"Hey, Ori, are these bugs dangerous," I asked.
"What bugs," Ori said.
"The ones all around me." I waved my hands around and one landed on it.
"Cyrus there aren't any bugs around you."
I looked at the one that landed on me and couldn't believe she couldn't see it. I felt a stabbing pain in my hand and then all the bugs flew into my eyes.

When I woke up Moda was sitting by my side doing my hair. I was in a bed, but I don't remember how I got in it. I'm not in Jerone's bedroom, because I don't have a bed in his room. Is this Ori's room? No we left their house, and there were bugs, but I can't remember what happened afterward.

"You were out for a while; I was beginning to wonder if you'd wake up," Moda said. "Herculum said hallucinating is a side effect of moving too fast in a gravity field you aren't adjusted to."

"What happened- what happened while I was asleep," I clenched my chest. "Where's my- gravity vest?"

"A doctor took it off. She said you need to adjust to our gravity, so you can't wear the vest all the time." Moda said.

"Moda, I'm- I'm confused; I don't know what happened. Please tell me." I said.

"Jerone went to the market, and he was arrested on suspicion of harboring an outlaw. The guards came to our house to see if there was a portaler, but Herculum, my brother-in-law, came for us before they could arrive. Jerone is at the center where they're deciding his punishment. We're at the OutLaws hideout in Jamber Island."

"Is he-" I clenched my chest, "Okay?"

"I don't know, we can't check on him," Moda's eyes glassed over.

"Are they going to save him?" I throw up a little in my mouth as my intestates perform a dance recital. Moda gives me a bucket and holds my hair back as I fill it, "Are they?" I wipe my mouth.

"It's being discussed." Moda gave me a glass of water, "there's nothing you can do about it, you shouldn't get yourself worked up about it." She left without a goodbye.

How can I not get worked up? It's my fault Jerones in prison no doubt being tortured and starved. If he dies, His blood is on my hands. What will Moda do to me, if he dies? Ori will never talk to me again. What if I get sent back to Morie; I'll be executed, or worse. I puke in the bucket, again, and begin to see spots. I manage to set the puke down before I black out.

Hey guys, sorry I didn't update earlier I was busy.

This weeks question... Do you guys like poetry? If so What's your favorite poet?




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