one shot 3: swing scene 3.0 or my version

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Tjs pov


Teej why

Kira scared me

With what

She told me that people would think I was gay

And I know

And if they thought that I could get kicked off the basketball team.

Our coach is mean, oldfashioned, and unaccepting except about the Buffy thing.


Hey I know Andi and Buffy hate me, again

But can you come to the swingset after school today

I'll see if I have time

Oh who am I kidding of course I will I don't have much going on ever




End of texts.

Now to studyhall and then to some made up job so I could work on the surprise for Cyrus. What would that be the excuse I know what the surprise will be. It will be a literal basket full of gifts that may or may not have drained my bank account for college. But despite that it was worth it, totally worth it. Cyrus deserved the word, and right now the world meant telling him how I truely felt oh and that I was gay.

By the time my excuse got me out of study hall there was only 15 minutes to prepare the gift in. I ran to my locker and got the many many small gifts and the one large one the plush bear with the words I'm sorry embroidered on a heart it was holding. The with these gifts I went to the park and got the large colorfull easter basket I hid.

After I waited a few minutes I saw Cyrus. He looked kinda mad explainably so though. "Hey underdog"

"Hello, they are not the only ones mad at you you know that right."

"Yeah but all I care about is how to make it up to you. How would I do that?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure you can."

"Would a basket of gifts that drained my college saving account work?"

"Woah, Tj thank you. You didn't have to do this for me you know."

"Yes I did. And look through the entire thing now"


"Because, just because" TI said looking around for conservative looking parents and unfortunately seeing one.

"Erm, ok?"

•°one second later°•

"Wait Tj does this mean what I think it means"

"Yeah" I said quietly.

"You are. You do."

"Yeah. Please don't hate me"

"How can I hate you when I am gay and I like you back. Also conservative looking mom is gone."

"Wait seriously, that's about both.

"Yeah once my parents asked if I was gay I never really answered because If I did I could not say yes without being sent to conversion therapy. But I couldn't say no if I did then I would be very obviously lying."

"I don't know anything of the sort I mean my mom probably wouldn't be accepting. Which is the same reason Amber hasn't said she likes Andi and is bi to our parents."

"Cyrus I'm glad we could work this out." I say.

"Me to" Cyrus responds.

•°Cyrus's pov°•

We hug. We stay hugging for about a minute, I did not want to let go and I don't he did either. We did eventually stop hugging to stare into each others eyes. It honestly felt like that time right before Amber forced her lips on mine only this time I knew what was about to happen. So I initiated the kiss.

Yes I seriously kissed Tj Kippen. Which was just plain awesome can I just say. His lips were so soft, just like I imagined them being.

Tj Kippen's lips were on mine. He took them off just long enough for him to say something about it being his first kiss and for to start saying that it was my first kiss with a boy but before I finish he puts his lips on mine again. During the second kiss we hear something drop. I spin around to see a glowing Buffy and Andi start screaming whether of happiness or anger I can't tell. Until Andi yells "I did not think this day could get any better." And Buffy says "I knew it I just knew it. I just won a bet with my boyfriend."

"What," I yelled. "you were watching us?"

I feel like ending it here. There will be a part 2 focusing mainly on what happens after that scene and Buffy and Andi. Maybe even a part 3. Good bye <3<3

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