one shot 4-weird

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So I thought of this randomly. I beleive it is a product of the hiatus and me being forced to read a classic. It is odd to say the least. Please tell me I f it was terrible.<3
Also I promised a tag so go check out Digl3npack and btssjikook012

Tj's pov

I walked into the lunchroom.

I saw him, Cyrus.

He was with Buffy.

Why did he have to be with Buffy.

I hate her.

And I have to ask her if she will tutor me so I can stay on the basketball team.

I walk up to them.

Tj: hello Buffy

Buffy: hi Tj

Tj: why won't you tutor me

Buffy: because I don't want to

Tj: what will make you want t

Buffy: hmm a trade

Tj: what for what

Buffy: a boyfriend for Cyrus for me tutoring you

Tj: (to Cyrus) a boyfriend what about a chocolate chocolate chip muffin you always look at them longingly.

Cyrus: nope boyfriend not muffins.

Tj: well I don't work miracles I can't make anyone else want to be your boyfriend.

Cyrus: who wants to be my boyfriend now?

Tj: me.

Cyrus looked happy while Buffy looked very upset.

Then Cyrus chirped and jumped into my arms.

He kissed me.

Then I kissed him.

It was awesome.

See told you it was weird. I honestly don't know why I thought of that. Bye <3

Did you see the new writing style? Please say you did.

I do not spell check.

tyrus one shots or randomness -- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now