The Incident

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A few month ago,the 9/11 happen.But the truth is,the plane that crash to WTC not hijacked,but a drone instead.
Some mastermind intended to.bring huge profit from the event consequences .

As the result,the Afghanistan were breached .But the plan lead into jeopardy because of the 70th infantry division that opened a series of investigation to uncover the truth.To cover their plan ,the corrupted officer ordered the 70th Infantry division to relocated to a military base near Prussia.

As the night fall the bases were ambushed.All of the soldier evacuate to the safe place.However,all of the evidences about the sinister plan were gone.

The enemy /corrupted make an accusation about the division and other division to remain the secrecy of the plan .Now ,every single person of infantry counted as undisciplined and unreliable

Days to days ,hatred soon appear between the soldiers and politician because of their betrayal.

The citizens were blinded because of their obsession
to politic.A day after another,the citizens demand was clear:deactivate the function of military.they want to rely on army that doctrinated for politic.

Will the soldier able to regain their place in the nation or they will be abandoned and their sacrifice buried with money and desire

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