04 - Final : Promise

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The colour is coming back to his skin" Jungkook says quietly, trying not to wake up the eldest.


Jin can see the eyes of the stranger turning cold and dark. The man is planning something in his head. As Jin is moving from the floor, he can see the man dash to Jungkook with knife pointing out dangerously to the youngest. The man. The man is trying to hurt the youngest.



Jin, forgetting his baseball bat, he run the man as fast as he can and push the man aside, far from Jungkook. With his body fuelled up with adrenaline, Jin rush forward and push the man with his full body weight causing both him and the man fall onto the cold floor.

The maknae and Hoseok, both are frozen at their own spot looking confused as ever.

Blood, they can see blood. Is it Jin's or the stranger's?

While Jin is struggling on the floor with the man, the two are too shock to do anything. The man is trying to push Jin aside as he is trying to free himself from Jin, and Jin is trying to prevent the man from doing anything.

Jin tightly grabs the man as much as he can. With one last move from the man underneath him, Jin is easily thrown to the floor.

The man quickly grabs his knife and run outside of the dorm leaving nothing. In the span of few seconds after the man left the dorm, finally both Jungkook and Hoseok realized everything.

"HYUNG!" Jungkook and Hoseok say in unison, rushing towards Jin.

Jin then collected himself and stand up shakily.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks as he notice the blood on the floor where both Jin and the man were struggling on, just few second ago.

"I'm alrig-" Jin says but he didn't finished his words as Hoseok accidentally touch his forearm while he is checking Jin.

A yelp was heard. It's Jin.

"You're bleeding!" Hoseok says, too loud for Jin's ears.

He was fine awhile ago though, right before Hoseok touch his forearm. Maybe it just Jin the only one who didn't realized that he himself got injured.

After hearing Hoseok's words, Jin then stumble down and falling onto the floor with Hoseok who is holding him just now, trying to steady the standing eldest.

"Jungkook, go grab me a cloth" Hoseok says to Jungkook.

With the words Hoseok says to Jungkook, the younger quickly speed up and search for clean cloth in the dorm. Jin. Jin is hyperventilating in Hoseok's arms, leaning heavily on the younger's chest.

Within thirty seconds, Jungkook come back with some clean clothes in his hands. The youngest then quickly wraps the clean cloth onto Jin's forearm and pressing the bandage, putting some pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

They noticed. They notice the cut on Jin's hand too and by that, the youngest wraps it tightly then pressing the wound on Jin's forearm again. With one hand pressing onto the eldest wound, Jungkook uses his other hand and pull out his phone from his pocket.

He quickly dials someone.

Each breath getting harder for Jin. He is hyperventilating in Hoseok's arms. He is in and out of conscious. Though he is in and out of conscious, he still can hear and slightly process the words that Jungkook said to the phone.

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