Moving in Chase's Place

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Chase POV:
Me and Carrie got to talking about our living situation,and we decided to move in before we get married. She got half of her clothes over my place, mostly T-shirts,jeans and a couple of things. She did got some boxes, and it's mostly her work clothes she wears to work. She put half of her stuff in storage. She did rented a U-haul to put her couch,dinning table,kitchen table, and her bed in storage to rent until we get a bigger place. She got picture frames of her family in her bedroom. A few weeks later after the new year, she put her house up for market and we move in. She did call Xfinity to cancelled her service,because I have Xfinity service too.
Carrie's pov:
We were both scared to move in,and we waited to get to know each other. I call the electric company,water,credit cards information,Xfinity service,etc to have water,lights,and my XFINITY triple play to be cancelled because I'm moving into a new house with my soon to be husband. I did called my bank to have my address changed. I also called my retailer to have my house sold for $400,000. It was a lovely home I lived there since I started working in Charlotte. I unboxed all my clothes and put them up where they belong. We glad we decided to move in together before we got married.
Chase Pov
It's Tuesday evening at 8:22pm,I'm sitting on the couch watching Comedy central,while my girl is in bed since she goes back to work on Wednesday morning. Look at my phone it's 10:33pm,I took a quick shower, and didn't hop in bed until midnight. I did snuggle with my girl until her alarm goes off at 1:30am. "Chase sweetie,I gotta get ready for work." " just 5 more minutes sweetie " "You know I don't like to be late for work,hon." " Ok,you better kiss me girl" She did kiss me before she got her work clothes on,she's wearing a blue and yellow dress, looks pretty on my girl. After she got her makeup on,got her coffee,after she got everything at 2:24am I heard her Chevy truck pulling out of the drive and went to work. I did went back to sleep until 7:09am. Got up, shower, brush my teeth,comb my hair, got my breakfast, all I had is grapefruit and some oatmeal. Around 8:30am I got my bike and cycle with my teammate Kasey Khane.

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