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Time ticks away, their table now being an interrogation center, with bogum throwing out questions like bullets to jeongguk and the latter making up his own answers to dodge them, not even bothering to consider taehyung's opinion. Bogum doesn't seem like giving up anytime soon. 

But taehyung, on the other hand, couldn't even focus, well who's problem was it.
Jeon fvcking jeongguk's

All taehyung could think is about a hand, a hand that's placed firmly on his thigh, with its long fingers tenderly grazing his skin. 
He let out a small whimper when those fingers kept moving upwards in a teasing manner. Jeongguk was truly aware of his effect on the blonde.

You see that, there isn't anyone who doesn't know either jeongguk or his friends. He was quite popular scratch that, he is popular.
Who doesn't know about the international playboy (that's self proclaimed).

He wasn't quite certain about how the name 'playboy' came to him, but he was sure of one thing, everyone liked him (except bogum, as of the moment).
Almost everyone, from newly joined freshmen to young teachers who taught him, there wasn't anyone who never admired him. What can we say, he was damn good. 

He has never committed to relationships, nothing much emo, but it's just because he hasn't found anyone of his type yet. Random flings here and then was just enough for him.

"Jeongguk, can you stop this", taehyung whispers softly, cautious about someone else hearing him.

"Stop what?" Jeongguk questions back, playing dumb.

Taehyung groaned internally, now aware that he shouldn't be expecting anything from this brunette. Not wanting to endure it anymore, he subtly takes jeongguk's hands off his thigh, not forgetting to shoot a glare as he does so.
While jeongguk internally coos on how the blonde almost resembled an angry pup.

Bogum, silently and painfully, watches all this unfold, blood rushing furiously through his veins. If anything, all he wanted to do right now was to snap jeongguk's neck and throw him far away from taehyung's vicinity.

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