Snatched , Raped, && murdered

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Hey , Im Jada Im 16 years old , and I was 6 1/2 when my sister was Snatched , Raped , and Murdered. Her Name was Star-Marie , We called her star or Marie, She was 8 when she was murdered , Her last words to me Where "i'll be back pinky promise" then we pinky promised , Today She would be 17 . I remeber When Our mom told us not to go outside.


My mom was watching the news in the kitchen cleaning the kitchen , While we where making dinner,

Now I know your like why is a 6 year old and a 7 year old making dinner , Well my mom Was and still is a Single parent, So we do our best to help her out. Anyways like I was saying she was watching the news.

"6 Girls Have been raped && Murdered In Pennslyviana Also known as Philly, Parents say that The killer calls The Parents and kill the The childern while on the phone, Please Keep your childern safe at all times ,"the newsreporter said.


I quickly looked at the girls who was still cooking and not paying attention to the news , I can't risk them getting Hurt.And I know Star-Marie isnt gonna listen.

"There is to be NO Playing outside , You are to walk to your bus stop at the last minute, You are To Come STRAIGHT home, Meaning No stores ,No park , No nothing , But to come home and go to school, Understood?"I said with a firm voice.

"Understood"Jada said Making the salad

"Star-Marie UNDERSTOOD?"

"Yes mother, understood"She said with an attitude.

I rolled my eyes and continued to what I was doing, I dont want my babies to get hurt.

{1 week later}


I got off the bus with Marie and She made a right instead of going straight.

"Where are you Going?"

She stopped and walked back To me .

"Store, Why?"

"Because Mommy said we Have to come straight home no stores, walks , or Parks, Just home in school,"

"But i'll be back i'll get you your favorite Snickers Pixie Stix And a fruit Punch, Imma get some skittles and fruit punch"

I thought about for awhile,.

"Okay , But promise me you'll be back"

She smiled and stuck out her pinky,

"I'll be back pinky promise"

We connected pinkies and i brought her into a hug , and with that we walked off.

A minute passed and I walked into the door , I saw my mom in the kitchen Making some food for us .

"Hey Mommy" I said Plopping down on a seat.

"Hey babie--"she turned around and froze Realizing Star wasnt sitting next to mme"Wheres your sister?"


She grabbed her car keys turned off the stove and oven and picked me up and ran outside locking the door , She put me in the car and strapped me in , then got into the driver seat locked the door put the keys in her ignition and pulled off , We arived at the wawa in literatilly 10 seconds.My mom hoped out of the car and toom me out she picked me up and locked the door we walked inside the store looking for Marie I guess, But no sign of her. We then looked around the permieter of wawa and stumbbled upon a bag in the back of wawa, There was snickers Pixie stixs 2 fruit punches and some skittles .

"What did your sister say she was getting ?" My mother asked in a shakey voice.

"Pixie Stixs, Skittles, snickers, and two fruit punches"

My mom eyes widened and filled with tears she went deeper in the bag and saw a cellphone , Funny Marie Is only 7 she doesnt have a cellphone , Hmm, fishy, I looked at the phone and it had a voicemail My mom put the phone to her ear and Played the message , I put my ear to the phone to since I was being hold by my mother.

"I just finished fucking Your daughter , She's good in bed by the way , and Fully delevlope, Bitch bgot guts for a 7 year old ,Smart as fuck to, Too bad I have to kill her now , Star-Marie is there anything you would like to tell your family before i kill you?"

"I- Im s-sorry mommy for not listening , I love you guys,please dont kill me"

I started to tear up.

"Aw how touching Time to kill her now"

I heard screams And Star screaming stop Stabbing me , Then I heard a gunshot causing me to Jump, Then No more Screams I started to cry and so did my mom I can't believe my sister was murdered

{Flashback Over}

We moved to cali that day , Now im not a philly girl no more , We live in a bigger & safer house, But i still want to Kill the guy Who kilt my sisterv, But i need to learn my ways first , because i wanna be a killer

I want To be A killer(Roc Royal Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now