Just a little bit of love lust & Trust!

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Rocs pov 

I walked into Jada's room in the suite. I had to wake her up.-.- See Jada likes sleep , it's her best friend , && If you wake her up , She'll Kill you . That's why we send prince to wake her up .But Today , I decided to give prince a break . I placed my hand on her shoulder && Instantly was on the ground , She flipped me . Prince told me she was a flipper . "Never Ever touch my shoulder to wake me up again.Understand?" Jada Said placing her foot on my chest. 

"Jada get the fuck off of me"I spat. Tryinqq to get up "Understood ?" She said pressing her foot down harder . "Understood Jada now let me up" I demanded She put her arm out I grabbed it and pulled her down .


"Rookie mistake my friend "He said getting on top of me.i smiled And flipped him over(Jada's on top). "Never underestimate a girl roc"I said placing my hands on his chest . It was silent for a moment .Starring into his big brown eyes Lost in a trance .I watched him lickk his lips he grabbed me by my shirt && brought me in closer .

Roc pov  

Her hair brushing the side of my , surprisingly she doesn't have morning breathe , She never has morning breathe . Hmm wonders . I looked at her pink medium sized lips. They where so perfect , I grabbed her gently by her shirt ,&& pulled her towards Me.

"Mr && Mrs August , Are y'all gonna fuck or what , I'm tired of this love fest . " Ray Said  

Jada got up and walked towards ray " "GoodMorning ray ray "she said walking right passed " Goodmorning Jada". He said right back . 

"Damn she has an ass "Ray said  

"Why?" I asked "Because you were taking to long to screw her && I was ready for one of y'all to make a move " He responded "I was about to kiss her " I said "Yeah ain't nobody got time for that , && plus I wanted to ruin the moment, it was quite amusing ."Ray said . 

(2 hours later)


The boys had left to get some McDonalds so we can eat . It was just me && roc . I heard the door open and I instantly looked up , It was roc he walked in & laid down in the bed with me . I rested my head on his chest && began to think . what if I don't make it alive? What I don't kill the guy & he kills me ? I don't want to die a virgin. Plus I'm 16 with hormones I better not die a virgin."You okay ?" roc asked "Yeah Im just thinking" I responded "oh " he said .Silence soon entered the room, until I spoke up. 

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked roc  

"Yeah Sure what is it?'' He asked. 

I got on top of him while sayinq "If I don't make it alive I don't want to die a virgin ."I said to him ."Change that please." I added in.He grabbed Me by my face and kissed me . He planted wet kisses on my neck .i let out a soft quiet moan."we have 10 minutes"he said . I smiled . 

(To all the freaks out there that wanted to see a freaky scene .theres not gonna be one Im skippinq that part.) 


Jada & I got dressed. She walked up to me"This is between you & I only.Understood?"she stated "Understood."I said 

"We're back with food!"Ray screamed from the kitchen Jada limped her way to the door "Awee did I break you ?" I asked she continued walking and flipped me off


Roc was sooo freakinq agressive . Im limping now thats a problem..


Okay so The mission is gonna happened them same day for those of you who are confused.

Thats gonna be next chapter.

This has been my first long chapter on this story &

Comment please thanks!

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