Persasseus Jacksasson

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As a naturally smart and fabulous person, Nico had many books. He was currently taking those books out of his locker and shoving them into his school bag. Nico was very good at shoving hard things in small openings, it seemed.

This was how Percy found him. Percy tapped lightly on his shoulder. He half expected Nico to go nerdy ninja on him, whip around, grab his wrist and break his arm, but all that happened was Nico looking over his shoulder. Percy felt slightly cheated. Nerdy Ninja why don't you act to your full kung-fu potential? 

Still, Percy gave his best smirk as Nico looked at him. Punk persona in full gear (as much as it could be. Gayness was a rather abrupt backseat driver, and liked to take over the wheel quite frequently.), Percy leaned against a near-by locker. Yes, I'm so sexy, this is amazing. Nicole will never be able to resist.

"Hey Nicole, sorry about-"

"My name isn't Nicole." Nico said quietly, one hand on his locker to shut it as he stared at Percy wearily. With the way he was leaning against the locker, his shirt was riding up on one side. Hades help Nico if he had to deal with this for much longer. He looks ridiculous. 

"Oh, sorry-" lie "-I'm not really good with names. Anyways, sorry about yesterday-" lie "-I was having a bad day, I'm usually not like that." Lie.

Lies. Lies everywhere. And lies are not good, because lies cause small bun-buns like Nico to become untrustworthy. And what's the point of gay fanfiction if it can't go anywhere? Didn't Percy know this? Didn't the author? Doesn't everyone? Who knew anymore.

"Please don't lie to me." See? "I asked around, and I have my own eyes. That is your usual behavior. If you're gonna do this whole 'persona non grata' while we're doing this, please request a different tutor."

"Why would I-"

"Because I don't want to help someone who's just going to be a douchbag sack of dipshits doused in a jar of numpty sauce."

Percy blinked for several minutes. "Wh-"

"You like acting like that, I can tell. But you aren't the king Perseus. You can't boss everyone round." Nico scolded, head ducked down so that his emo fringe protected him from conflicts of the outside world. Even he was surprised by his own courage around 'Persasseus Jacksasson', as he was rumored to like to be called. 

Persassy himself was utterly flabbergasted (I like that word. It's a fun word). Someone, who wasn't Annabeth, or his female counter part Thalia had dared to not only cut him off, but had scolded and reprimanded him! What was the world coming to? Percy wanted to lie down.

Percy smiled tightly. If he could see the vein popping out of his forehead like Nico could, he would be shrieking and calling some companies for skin cream. Annabeth could confirm that statement. "That isn't really the point." He gritted out. Internally, Percy really wasn't sure what to feel. "Look, my grades..." Was he really going to do this? Did he dare say the 'P' word? Was it really worth it, all in the effort to kiss someone who had a tongue piercing? Yes, he supposed it was worth it. "So, will you please-" Percy fought off his full-body cringe, "-help me?" Percy pleaded. Though, all of us knew he was really begging. 

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