Chapter 3

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"For the last time, we are not basing our science project on ailens!!" You groaned.

A week has passed since the first day of school. You have been coping well with work thus far and have thankfully made a few friends (who were not hardcore Oikawa fangirls) as well. Unfortunately, your science teacher has assigned your class a science project and paired you up with none other than... Oikawa. It was up to each pair to decide on their research topic, as long as it is not the same as any other pair in class.

"WHY NOT?" Oikawa screamed.

"Because aliens aren't real!" You shouted back.

"What makes you so sure??" Oikawa questioned. From his tone, you could tell he was slightly hurt that you destroyed his dreams. Not wanting to hurt him any further, you just rolled your eyes and walked off.

After much debate, the two of you finally managed to reach a consensus. Your science project would be on astronomy. Oikawa could still somewhat do his research his aliens and you'd have some facts you could work with.

After gathering the necessary materials, the two of you made your way to your house since it was just nearby. While waiting for the lift you realised the colour on Oikawa's face was flushed and he was clutching onto his stomach. "Hey, you okay?" you asked, genuinely concerned.

  "Yeah... I just really need to use the bathroom..." he said, slightly embarrassed. You couldn't help but giggled, making the boy pout. He was annoyed that he have let you seen him in such an unglamarous state just because his stomach refused to cooperate with him.

  There were three lifts in total but none of them had reached the ground floor after a good two minutes. Oikawa was growing impatient and started pacing around.

After what seemed like an eternity to Oikawa, three bells rang simultaneously, signalling that the lifts have reached the ground floor. "Oh you three just HAD to come at the same time," Oikawa grumbled as he rolled his eyes. He rushed into the lift, pulling you along and frantically pressed the "door close" button. The lift door was already about to close but was forced opened by a lady.

  "Sorry...." she mumbled as she walked in, followed by a granny. Trying to act like the gentleman he thinks he is, Oikawa forced a smile and held the door open for them until they were both inside. Much to his annoyance, the two ladies lived at the levels 4 and 9, while you lived at level 22. When the lift reached level 4, the granny started making her way out of the lift. To give the granny sufficient space to walk, the lady moved backwards, accidentally hitting random buttons with her hand bag. Oikawa's eyes widened when he saw the buttons of level 16 and 20 light up. Upon seeing Oikawa's look of dismay, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and was trying extremely hard to contain your laughter. The lady seemed oblivious of her act and casually walked out once the lift reached her level. 

"Really?? Not even a 'Gomen'??" Oikawa groaned. You, on the other hand, was laughing hysterically.

An evil thought popped up into your mind and you sneakily started walking closer towards the lift buttons. However, Oikawa noticed the sudden change in atmosphere and knew something was not right. You were only a few inches away from the lift buttons when he saw through your mischievous plan and immediately sprang towards you.

"Oh my gosh, [L/N]-chan! Don't even think about it!!" Oikawa shouted. The desperation in his voice made you burst out laughing again. You garnered all your energy in attempt to resist his pull but to no avail. That boy was just too strong - well obviously, I mean have you seen the power in that boy's serves?  

Your laughter slowly died down and the two of you realised how close the two of you were. His arm was placed gently but firmly around your waist and your arm was on his chest. You felt his warm breath against your cheeks which made your heart beat faster. You looked into his beautiful brown eyes and got lost in them within a matter of seconds. He gave you a small smile which was enough to make your legs go weak. He looked extremely handsome. But more than his looks, you realised how much you enjoyed spending time with him, whether it was during lunch or after school. The best part though, was teasing him together with Iwaizumi. Sure, he and his big ego may prove to be annoying at times, but it was the first time you felt so comfortable with someone so quickly. After asking Iwaizumi more about him and spending a week together with him, you learnt that underneath the mask he puts on in front of everyone, deep down, there is still a child inside of him who needed to be loved. He appears to be confident and full of himself but you learnt that all of that is just a facade. He seems to live up to his name as the Grand King of the volleyball court and is absolutely fearless but you were aware he is actually full insecurities. You have yet to find out what exactly they were but from what Iwaizumi said, it is something about a kouhai and some guy who is apparently very upset that Oikawa enrolled in Aoba Johsai and not his school. 

You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you weren't aware that the two of you were slowly leaning towards each other, closing the gap when suddenly...

 "Level 16, doors opening"

The talking elevator broke the silence and the two of you immediately shifted away from each other. You turned away such that your back would faced him in attempt to hide that huge blush on your face. 

-Oikawa's POV-

'Damn it! I swear this lift is just here to ruin my  day. I was so close! Ah crap, I think I'm developing feelings for her... She probably... doesn't... feel the same way though...' Oikawa thought.

"Let's go," I heard her mumble as the lift door opened and we proceeded to enter her house. 

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