|2| Heart of a Fighter

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——6:00 am——
——30th of November, 1938——

I jolted awake in the kennel, the glacial dream still clinging to my mind like cobwebs. Shaking my head to clear it, I stood up and stretched my shortish limbs and opened my jaws in a yawn. A door opened in another room and footsteps indicated the arrival of an employee. He passed from animal to animal, filling bowls with food and water and checking on them.

When he reached mine, I simply observed in silence as he filled up my bowls and walked off again to finish up. Before long, he left the room again.

I sighed and glanced around the room containing my cage that had been 'home' for my entire life. There was another room that other dogs were kept in, sort of an open play area for the ones on display for the public -whether that be because they were the best or simply wanted to be gotten rid of was unknown. I had only been there once, but that was because my lock was broken and I escaped... Spotting a calender I saw the word 'November' and '1938' across the top. 'I was born in July right..? That makes me... four months old..? Sounds right.'

The other dogs began to bark at one another. I ignored them and sank into my bed again. My limbs still felt frozen and stiff, as though I had truly been struggling through the snow on that mountain...

My thoughts were disrupted by the squeals of children in the main room, followed by hurried footsteps heading towards the door. One of the office staff came in, and in tow were two children, and a man and woman. The children were noisy and rushed around awkwardly. I flattened my ears as best I could to deaden the noise, but one of the adults —the woman— came over to me. The overpowering scent of perfume wafted over from her as I studied her face with my blue eyes before she called her children over. My dark, molted fur made me almost invisible in the shaded cage, save for the light sandy patches on my legs, chest, and eyes, and white stripe that went down my forehead and painted my muzzle. I had dark grayish—navy blue eyes that were both light and sharp at the same time.

"What about this one?" The woman remarked to —what I assume to be— her family. The employee came over and inquired if the family wanted me to be taken out so they could meet me. The children were already attempting to reach me through the bars so of course, the adults agreed. 'Oh great... grabby kids. I can't wait to have my ears pulled on...'

The children were shooed back as the employee opened my cage and picked me up. I struggled in their grasp, striving to get my paws back on the ground. He handed me to the other man before I was passed to the woman. She began to stroke my head gently, but I began to sneeze due to the overwhelming scent of lavender perfume.

She laughed a little before depositing me on the ground. 'Oh thank god, back on solid ground.'

My relief was short-lived as the children instantly began to poke and prod at me. I tried to move away but they continued to attempt —emphasis on 'attempt'— to pet me. Luckily the employee picked me up and placed me back into my cage, safe from the hands of the children.

"I think we'll take her." The couple agreed and the employee left the room to go and finalize the adoption.

I sank against the wall, my paws tucked beneath me and my eyes closed as I waited. 'At least I'm getting out of here, could be worse...'

I was taken out again and a rosy collar was attached to my neck, just tight enough to be very irritating. I scratched at it with my hind paw as the employee spoke to the family.

"I have to warn you, she's very headstrong, stubborn, and protective. Keep a close eye on her alright?"

I gave a light huff and stopped working to get the collar off. 'That's true... But also a drastic understatement.'

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