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She felt him return a few times, but she didn't have the energy yet to wake up fully. Every winter she went through a deep sleep that lasted most of the cold season, cradled in the den the evergreen tree had kindly made with her in mind. It wouldn't be for a while yet until her captive energy deep in the throes of hibernation was released and she could awaken from her slumber. And that time was usually with the warm season around the corner.

But she was still passingly aware. So she could feel how often Cron visited, talked to her friend the evergreen and even began small tidying tasks. The evergreen informed her of the latter, noting how adept he was at plucking unwanted growth from around the sanctuary and the grounds. Her friend the evergreen seemed satisfied with this newcomer, and frequently told her of the young man's exploits around the grounds.

It served as a welcome lullaby, settling her shaken nerves of a new human around her space after so long of quiet and reassuring her that all was well.

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