I ran out of fundips and i was sade
I be still roading on plattypusay but then a bee came to meh
'go awaey yellow and black whore'
bee bee buzzed in booty and flew aroumd be sexually woah jfi wow
'wats youres name hoe chef'
'i ama Sean's
Sean was two provacado and I dont want rapeding me so i smashed fthat hore on plattypusay s fin gluten stix
"i think is stinder got stook oh nu"
i fish sean da bees stinder out da gluten stix and throwhoe it asade
'i wanna da cinnamoan toasted cranch' i yehhawsd into the beehuve of lafe.
I road over to ta motail and wented insade
'i see ta cinnamoan toasted crachg' i smeel the cranch and steal da box i gallopaed fast fast and jumped on plattypusays shoulder indent
'u come bake here bretch' owner manz scramed at meh bootayhole
'suqk it bee ass'
we got away wipez sweet off fourth head