Chapter 4

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On my last day, I had to pack my desk up. I had just one box full of things I've accumulated in my nook over the past two years. Although I was excited about starting at Quadrant the following Monday, I was sad to leave Brenda and all my coworkers. I've gotten to know plenty of wonderful people here and it's going to be weird not seeing them every weekday. They were reluctant to see me leave too. They told me over and over again to come and visit. A lot of them have met Beau and insisted that I bring Beau along when I visit. I promised them I would.

Brenda sighed before pulling me into a hug, "I'm going to miss you little Riley."

I laugh hearing her call me little. When I first started she would always make comments about how little I was and how she could fit me in her pocket. I never took offense to it. She didn't say it to hurt my feelings. She seemed a little amused by my size. "I'm going to miss you too, Brenda. But I promise this won't be the last time you see me. Who am I going to discuss the latest celebrity gossip with? You're the only one who understands me when it comes to that."

Looking through celebrity gossip magazines were our thing during lunch. I didn't watch much TV or buy magazines. I either didn't have the time for it or I didn't have the money to keep up. But our lounge always seemed to have old magazines laying around so I can say I am not completely oblivious to the latest happenings in Hollywood.

She pulled away to look at me, "It better not be! I need my gossip buddy. I'll bake some goodies to keep Beau preoccupied while you and I flick through the pages of the latest make ups and break ups in Hollywood."

I smiled, "I like the sound of that."


"Momma, can I wear my Spiderman watch today?" Beau asks with a mouth full of cheerios.

I grimace watching him try to keep the food in his mouth, "B, are we suppose to speak with food in our mouths?"

He smiles sheepishly at me, closes his mouth and chews until he's done, "Sorry."

I smile, he's too cute. "That's okay, just remember next time."

"So can I?" he asks completely ignoring my last statement.

I nod and I'm rewarded with a hug and a whoop. When he's finished with his breakfast he instantly runs to his room to find his watch and comes back to ask me to help him put it on.

When we get to the daycare, we run into Melanie and the kids. Bradley and Beau immediately link up. They were 'best cousins' according to Beau. I watched them do their tricky looking handshake while I wait for Melanie at the entrance. She smiles and waves, "Hey Riley! You're early today."

I walk up to her to give her a hug, "Yeah, I needed to get an early start this morning."

"Oh that's right, it's your first day at your new job." she says excitedly

I nod, "I want to make a good impression."

She laughs, "You don't need to worry about doing that. You're a hard worker."

"Thanks Mel."

I sign Beau in quickly. I kneel down to give him my usual overprotective, concerned mother lecture. I look at his adorable face. His face has slendered down a bit. He use to have the cutest chubby cheeks but now it has lessened. He's looking more and more like his handsome father every day.

His big blue eyes look into mine. He knows he needs to listen.

"Okay B, I'm leaving for work now. I need you to be careful, okay?" he nods "I've put your inhaler in your backpack . If you need it, take one puff and inhale and take the second puff and inhale. Just two okay?"

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