Part 1

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"Hey Lance, I've got your lion back" Keith smiles while flying his way to save loverboy Lance 

"Thanks buddy now can you come and unchain me" Lance reply's full of hope and relief Keith saved the day 

"whats that...I...Icant hear you" Keith says sarcastically trying to hold his laugh in

"what I... I thought we bonded. Keith.Buddy.My man." and it all fades to black and the theme plays.

"Keith buddy its time to wake up, they'll be at the door in 3 minutes and 33 seconds, come on wake up already" lance says shaking Keiths arm in an attempt to wake his fellow roommate Lance and Keith have been in this hell hole together from the beginning Lance is the only one Keith tolerates and Lance enjoyed Keiths company for the most part but if Keith has another one of his episodes Lance wouldn't see him for weeks.

"urghhh...Lance your lion I need to get her back to you" Keith says starting to panic he finds it hard to differentiate his realities for Keith lives many. its not a split personality disorder for Keith is still Keith he just lives through many different story lines.

"Blue... she can wait right now me and you need to get breakfast come on Pidge will be waiting for us" Lance is a master at this by now he himself is in all of Keith stories and has memorised each role he plays in each reality. He loves hearing about the different adventures he and Keith go on together it distracts them from the unsettling reality of what they're actually in.

"Fine I'm up" Keith growls while sitting up and sliding into those complimentary asylum slippers.

"good now lets go eat"

Morning my buddy's, how we feeling today?" Hunk the chef and extra muscle they sometimes need especially if Keith has an episode said with a warm smile on his face it was nice to see especially in a place as gloomy as this.

"I'm good hunk and great job out there today Hunk sorry we didn't believe you, you were right and i promise well save shay tomorrow" Keith smiles to hunk reassuring him of the events to come. Hunk smiles back knowing it must have been his dream but plays along they all do for apart from Keiths odd episodes he was a good friend he cared for others and was kind and comforting for the most part. but like every patient at the Garrison Asylum your mood can vary from day to day. 

Keith lead by Lance made they re way to there usual table were they meet with Pidge she suffered from extreme OCD and Anxiety issues. She waved at the two boys as they sat in complete silence and ate they're sloop or as Keith called it "Space Goo" it made lance and Pidge chuckle so it became they're word for all food the institute's food. 

Time passed after they had all eaten and it was time for Keith's one-on-one with Dr Shirogane or has Keith got to call him Shiro. Shiro had a certain soft spot when it came to Keith, he would always try to keep Keith out of trouble and out of punishment, he had known Keith since he was little he use to babysit Keith and he understands why Keith is the way he is. His mother died after giving birth to Keith and his dad died when he was only 12. So  the sessions with Shiro never felt like doctor on patient and more brother to brother. although they have had there complications in the past for there laid a very visible scar on Shiro's nose kindly gifted to him by Keith. Keith had day dreamed about having a fight with a druid but in reality it took Shiro, Hunk and Two other guards to pin Keith down, for one thing Keith knew how to fight although he never meant to hurt the ones closest to him and he hated looking at it for every time it consumed him with guilt that he hurt the closest thing Keith had to family. that episode alone cost Keith 6 weeks in isolation, the garrison was very strict on there policy's and as much as Shiro tried to protect him some times it was out of his control

Keith entered Shiros office and sat down on the comfy red chair right infront of Shiros desk and smiled.

"How are we feeling today Keith" Shiro says with a welcoming smile  

"I'm good Shiro, I got Lances lion back like you said I dodged the meteor shower perfectly. reminded me of the simulator I aced when we fist meet" Keith explained with such hope.

"The video game yeah I remember you were what 13 at the time" Shiro states trying to figure out which one of the many Life lines Keith was telling and linking them to his actual life and background.

"Not a video game Shiro the simulator at the Garrison, remember I stole your bike?" Keith said he was clearly getting anxious for his nervous tick started to kick in. It would start with him shaking his leg and could progress into him clenching his fists so tight they're were scars from his nails digging into his hands. Keith hated it when people didn't remember they're times together they're "bonding moments" it would cause Keith to lash out.

"No... I remember Keith but i want you to give me a recap of what happened today" Shiro lies and places his hands on Keith's to almost reassure him that he was safe.

"okay....okay" Keith says in an attempt to calm down he himself is aware of how unstable he can be. 

Time skipppp

Keith and Lance lay in there beds in comfortable silence until Lance breaks it. "So where is Voltron heading next Keith" Lance says rising from his bed and acting like a child who is about to get a bed time story read to him. 

"The Balmera to save Shay and her people the Galra enslaved to planet for years but now since Voltrons back we are going to save them, but not only the Balmera but the whole Universe lance isnt it amazing. Me and you, Hunk, Shiro, Pidge and Allura were gonna save them all" Keith says 

Lance dose not know why or how but the way Keith speaks to Lance makes him feel like anything is possible and believes every word that Keith says sure its got them in trouble in the past but whats a friendship without causing a little mayhem. As Keith carries on explaining the plan of action Lance stops listening, all he can focus on is how happy Keith is when he talks about Voltron, how his face lights up whenever Lance asks him about it or when Lance remembers. Lance loves Keith he does but neither him or Keith are in the right state of mind and they cannot act on it or it could cause Keith and Lance to be moved from one another, they're both petrified of losing each other, so they keep they're admiration for each other hidden it's the right thing to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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