Chapter 11 - It's a Date

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A/N: Hi :) So, first off, there's a list in the story. It does not belong to me in any way and I found it on Tumblr. And pleaaaase read the author's note at the end. :) ONWARD. xx

- Harry’s Point of View -

“I’m bored.” 

I rolled my eyes, looking up from my phone to the blonde boy who was currently upside down on the couch, his legs up in the air and his head hanging. He was quite literally twiddling his thumbs out of nothing to do.

“Tell me again why we can’t go over to Autumn’s, Harry?” Louis asked, giving me an annoyed look, which he rarely ever gave to anyone.

Zayn arched one of his eyebrows at me with a knowing look, since he was the only one who I had told the complete truth to while we were coming home from her house less than a week ago. He coughed and looked back down at the magazine he was holding in his hand.

“Because,” I looked down at my hands, trying to come up with a good enough explanation, “I have a bit of an issue with her.”

“Don’t you always have an issue with her?” Niall said a bit too loudly, looking at me expectantly, still upside down.

“Well,” I replied defensively, “This time it’s personal.”

“You know what?” Louis said, getting out of his seat, “I think you’re a wuss and I’m going over there without you. Boys?”

He turned to the rest of my bandmates. Liam had joined Niall in his awkward sitting position and they were currently wiggling their eyebrows at each other and laughing. Zayn licked his finger and turned the next page of the gossip magazine, smiling in delight when he found that it was the style section. Dear Lord. I’m friends with these people.

“Boys?” Louis repeated, and Liam tilted his head up suddenly.

“Huh? Oh, yeah sure,” he nodded at him, turning back to Niall’s staring contest. Niall nodded, still focused on making Liam laugh, which seemed to be the point of the game. He squinted his eyes at him, then made this extremely creepy, come-in-the-van-we-have-candy sort of face and Liam almost automatically cracked, managing to pull his legs back and rolling off of the couch backwards. Niall followed suit and pulled Zayn by the arms to join them.

“You sure you don’t want to come, buddy?” Louis looked at me, giving me the you’re a chicken but I’m willing to give you one more chance look. I shook my head and he shrugged, walking towards the door of Zayn’s hotel room.

“Bye, loser!” I could hear Niall yell as the door closed.

Rolling my eyes, I decided a long shower was definitely on my agenda. Showers are just one of my favorite things ever. Besides the fact that you get clean and the water is nice and warm, you have time to think about issues and problems in your life. Honestly, the majority of the time I spend in the shower, I just stand there, letting the water rain down on my head, and think.

I climbed in and took about twenty minutes, before coming out and wrapping a towel around my waist and sitting on the hotel couch, feeling slightly too lazy to change. Grabbing my phone, I went through to twitter for a few minutes to look through any new tweets from the boys or someone else we knew. Nothing. As I was about to begin writing a new tweet, my phone buzzed to life, notifying me of a new call. That’s funny. I barely ever get calls, usually texts. Especially from her. I still picked up.

“Hey, Curly,” I could hear Autumn’s grinning voice.

“Hi, Harry!” I heard in the background from about five or six voices.

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