Chapter 4

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It's been 2 months since the tour, started. Two more to go and I had won the bet against Simon. I thought I was going to lose because he was able to get a girl every night, but the last night. Thank god, too, I do not think I would be able to handle being his salve for a month. I have no idea why he didn't get a girl this time, though I was thankful they'd turned him down. Jace and I shared few kisses, over the months. I was still slightly confused by my feelings for Jace. I did know I cared deeply for the guy, and I knew that I was safe with him around. Being famous, is actually quiet scary.

Everyone knows you and about you, yet you know nothing of them. Jace told me it'll be that way for a while, but the more tours I do with them, the more their faces become a distant memory. Yet even if you don't remember their names, you'll remember their stories and faces when they help you job your memory. I felt a little at ease after that, but I still felt guilty. So on one of the trips to a K-mart or Wal-Mart, I bought a camera and started talking pictures with fans that had their names on paper. Then I was going to make a photo album with it.

I thought it was a good idea, though Jace and Jordan didn't seem to like the idea very much. I didn't know Jace's reason, but Jordan said I was 'getting attached'. I wasn't, I simply didn't want to forget their names, plus it was my first tour. Memory book- album deal. I'll have some of the band and crew working and every place we visited. I was being a total girl at those moments, but who wouldn't? Course, the guys probably felt that way when they first toured.

After the first two months, of people fans and getting use to the tour life. I found it oddly fascinating and thrilling. Jace mainly sang, and everyone was back up, but probably once or twice in each concert I would be a main singer with Jace. I could feel the connection through our singing, to me that made the lyrics more powerful. Because it was some of the guys love songs they had, which was only 3. Even then they truly were not meant for a girl to be singing them.

Dan had given us a week off, this month and we all stayed at hotel rooms, course Jace was my roommate. Somehow, we were always brought together. Though, it isn't our fault, pretty much everyone always wanted to bunk with who they had the first time we were at the hotel rooms, so all this tour Jace and I would be roommates. All we would do was talk and kiss, then talk some more. I was actually happy we had a week off, I enjoyed the three- four nights a week concerts but just once in a while you need a break you know?

The guys and I have been going out practically every day, running into a couple fans. Pictures, autographs, talking for a few before we say we have to get going. We didn't go out long; just long enough that we didn't feel trap in the hotel. I could tell that Simon, Alec, and Jordan knew something was up with Jace and I but never brought it up. It was like we were flirting with each other, but then we weren't. It showed when we went out, we stayed close to each other and Jace would randomly poke me or make a joke. Each time, I had laughed or poked him back.

Though Jace and I still haven't put a title or name on our relationship. We were slightly less confused by our feelings towards each other. We knew we liked each other, more than our past relationships. Though we don't openly kiss, you could tell that when we do, how much we cared. The guys and I were heading back to the hotel, when the three guys pulled Jace and me into an alley up against a wall so we couldn't get away.

"What the hell, guys." Jace said busting off his shirt. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Seriously, though, guys what the hell?" I glared at each of them, but they just stared back at me. Jordan cleared his throat, then stepping closer.

"Are you guys dating?" I furrowed my eyes brows and looked down at the floor shrugging my shoulders in the process. Jace didn't say anything either, I side glanced at him and he was staring at the guys, confusion on his face.

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