13-Movie Day

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The afternoon hours of Saturday left Kirishima in a tired slump from waiting around hand and foot for the unhealthy classmates. He managed to fix the lights with what little knowledge he had and had to fight with the ac to set it on the perfect temperature.

Kirishima was walking back from the kitchen carrying the groups second dose of medicine. The closer he got the more used tissues he had to step around. The floor was like a minefield, a sea full of them. The boy tip toed around till he reached the middle, finding safety in the height of the coffee table.

He took the small step onto the wooden fixture and passed out the dreaded dose of medication.

"Not again. I can't." Bakugo almost threw up at the sight of the purple-ish substance. He covered his mouth and stifled the gag like sound that reverberated from his throat.

"Not gonna kiss you till you get better." Kirishima smirked as he sat down on the table, careful not to knock the scattered cups of water, and held out the small cup to his unofficial boyfriend. Bakugo uncovered his mouth and hesitantly reached for the mixture. He sat up as he grabbed the medicine and cringed as he looked down at the cup. With a silent count down of three he chugged the substance and immediately grasped for his water nearby.

"I don't want it." Uraraka put her serving down on the table and folded her arms with a pout. She was acting like a stubborn child.

"But you need the medicine to keep your quirk under control. Would you rather be wrapped in a blanket on the couch or floating around the room?" Kirishima took on a calm and concerned tone to further persuade his classmate. She moved her gaze to her cup and took small sips along with Tsu who was sitting beside her.

Iida and Todorki took it without any hesitation unlike the others. Jiro and Kaminari had left the room in an attempt to avoid the disastrous taste. Deku was his own problem.

It was obvious to the naked eye that he doesn't take to kindly to viruses and had a substantially weaker immune system than others his age. Wether it was his quirk debacle or something else, he himself didn't know the answer. He was the last to have not drunken the foul tasting medication.

"What if it doesn't help? Last time it only helped for a couple minutes." His voice was raspy from his sore throat. Kirishima could see the hesitation in his voice yet didn't pay any attention and let the one person who could actually convince him take over, Todoroki.

Kirishima maneuvered his way to the kitchen to clean the cups and refill waters. He thought of what he could do to pass the time and keep from falling into boredom. They had their phones to waist the time but they can only last so long. Luckily, Kirishima knew these 6 the best out of the rest of the class so he knew what could tide them over at least until morning. The rest of the half-sick has migrated upstairs after the giggles over the drunk-like teens so that left them and the main floor to do whatever their heart desired.

Kirishima looked over his shoulder and through the doorway, locking his gaze with Bakugo's for a split second before he buried his face into his pillow.

"Does anyone want to watch a movie? I know we watched one last night but it's the only thing I could think of." He returned the water cups to their spots in the table.

"How about Alien?" Uraraka perked up and crossed her legs under her blanket.

"That's a good one. Maybe Pacific Rim?" Tsu chimed in.

"Ooh, I know. Winter Soldier!" Deku lifted his head from Todorki's shoulder, a smile finding it's way to his lips.

"Shut up Deku." Bakugo snapped his head in his direction and sending an unnecessary glare. He was provoked by nothing in particular but was still angered at his rival.

"Iida?" Kirishima looked over to the weirdly silent class rep.

"No preference." He shrugged his shoulders and pulled his legs onto the couch. The room fell silent for a short moment before the last student spoke up.

"Little mermaid." Todoroki shocked a few of the students with his request. His voice was deeper and more monotone from his stuffed nose.

Bakugo, being the ball of anger that he was, was the first to reply, "what the hell half n' half. That's a kids show."

"Cause I like Ariel." He looked at Bakugo with no readable expression.

"I'm not going to watch a kids show just because you have some crush on a fake character."

"She doesn't take shit from her old man. And the music is pretty cool." Todoroki had a straight face as he stated his reasons.

With the unspoken agreement of that being their choice, Kirishima popped the cd in and started up the tv. The movie started playing as he found his spot in Bakugo's embrace. He figured that since he had to take care of so many sick students that it he was bound to catch the virus as well. He looked up at Bakugo and pulled him down into a soft and gentle kiss.

"Thought you didn't want to do anything till I was better." He wrapped his arms around Kirishima and nuzzled his neck.

"I'm gonna get sick anyway so what's the point." Kirishima sighed and placed a hand over Bakugo's, interlocking their fingers.

Todorki has his arm around Deku as they snuggled closer together; Tsu and Uraraka were leaning on Iida who was trapped between the two.

When any one of the songs came on it was practically forced on them to scream the lyrics at the top of their lungs. No matter how much their throats states to burn they would continue to sing the lyrics. Part of Your World was the most dramatic since it was toward the beginning when their voices weren't as damaged.

Half way through he song, Bakugo finally submitted and started to sing along. Kirishima covered his mouth and held back a laughing fit that was about to burst. When the chorus came his he couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the floor in laughter. The mix of scratched voices made the song twice as better than normal. With the already lack of singing experience, the illness just added onto it.

By the time the movie was over and done, most of the students had fallen asleep or were in the process of fighting it.

Kirishima felt the drowsiness take over him and let his eyes fall closed.

Hello peeps!! I know it's been about a week since I've written a chapter. I have a test I have to study for so it may be a little until I can get the next one out. In the meantime, I wrote another story of the class being sick. I promise they will be better soon though! I have so many ideas that can make add to this story so hopefully I can have more time to write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3

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