Information Exchange

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"I'm so sorry," Alex said guiltily while using the shirt to bandage the older man's arm. "That's twice now you've taken a bullet for me."

"It's fine. Probably needs stitches but it's not that bad," Ben replied. "How did you know what was going to happen anyways? I knew something was off and tried to get us out of the open but I didn't sense the gunman."

"Instinct." Ben raised an eyebrow at this so Alex continued reluctantly, "I've been shot before."

Ben frowned at this but remained silent and alert for the rest of their train ride and flight back to London, as did Alex. They were both lost in thought, one realizing the horrifying implications of his young charge's statement while the other contemplated their current situation and mentally prepared himself to face Mrs. Jones again. At least Blunt would have already retired by now so he wouldn't have to see him again. When they reached Heathrow airport, there were agents waiting for them again to escort them back to the Royal & General Bank. Making their way to room 1605, Ben knocked on the door before entering upon Mrs. Jones' response. Very little about the office had changed since Mrs. Jones had taken over from Blunt. It was the same furniture arranged in the same way. The only difference was the bowl of peppermints now on the desk.

"Agent Daniels," Mrs. Jones said with an expressionless nod in Ben's direction. Then, she focused on the 15 year old before her with evident concern in her eyes. "Alex, I don't know what to say. First, you run into the mission that I tried to keep you away from. Next, I hear from Joe Byrne about the attack at the train station! You were supposed to be safe. Away from anyone we were investigating. Frankly, I'm not sure where to put you now." She paused, weighing her next words, and unwrapped a peppermint. "The negotiations are far from over. Scorpia have agreed to our terms but are adamant that they have nothing to do with the attack on the Pleasures' home. They're either lying and are working on something else behind the scenes or they really do have a rogue operative. It didn't help that rumours circulated through the entire intelligence community that you had quit field work so were under no protection while you were in America. Of course, it was true but they remain rumours because we've denied everything about your time with us. There's nothing more we can do about Scorpia except assign protection detail to you." She paused for a breath. "The triads have been more difficult to negotiate with this time. The usual methods and incentives haven't worked. It's almost as if whoever hired them for the park bombing in San Francisco has direct control over them in regards to this matter."

"Who would have the power to control the triads?" Alex asked.

"We're not sure. But maybe Joe will be able to give us an idea since the Americans are already investigating the park bombing and the triads. I had just answered a secure video call from Joe but put him on hold when you walked in. Would you like to hear what he has to say?" Mrs. Jones offered.

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