Q&A and Other Decisions

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Alex wanted to be anywhere but here, even though he was the one who had suggested this Q & A session. He mentally sighed. This wasn't going to be comfortable at all. Well, better get it over with. "Yes, sir," he answered the sergeant. "Who wants to go first?"

"How about you answer Wolf's question first?" Sanders prompted. "Who shot you in the heart and when did it happen?"

"I wasn't shot in the heart," Alex said expressionlessly. "It was half a centimeter above my heart."

"Oh, like that makes it so much better!" Wolf snarled.

"It made all the difference to my survival," Alex retorted. His unit leader fell silent at that, which gave him time to think. This was definitely something he didn't want to talk about at all. But they had already seen all of his scars and wounds so he couldn't avoid it anymore. Tiredly, Alex answered, "About a year ago. Assassin waiting for me on the rooftop across the street as I walked out of the Bank. They failed to kill me so I suspect that they died shortly afterwards. By the way, thanks for the get-well card, Wolf."

The men had stopped breathing at the word "assassin". Brains still stuttering to process the very idea, they stared at the teen. Then, all at once, they were cursing.


Alex shrugged. "That's the excuse my school was fed too."

"The Bank?" Fox hissed. "You were assassinated - sniped down - on the front steps of Special Operations headquarters?!"

"No, you idiot!" Eagle exclaimed. "A bank is somewhere you put your money into! Even I know that!"

Smirking, Alex stayed silent. The soldiers noticed this and wondered what they were missing. However, Fox was insistent, ignoring Eagle. "Well?" Ben demanded impatiently. "Were you?"

Finally giving in, Alex grimaced and nodded. "Sniped down, yes. Assassinated... I'm still alive, Fox."

"Oh, fucking bloody hell!" Ben snarled as Wolf stalked out and punched something to let off some steam before coming back in. "How did they even keep that quiet?! That's an extremely serious breach of security! And they're in charge of foreign intelligence?!"

Coughing lightly, Alex corrected, "We're".


"We're in charge of foreign intelligence," Alex elaborated. "The two of us are counted in with MI6, after all."

Ben groaned. "I'd rather not be reminded right now, thanks."

"Wait, how does "the bank" mean MI6?" Bat asked confusedly.

Fox hesitated before answering, "One of the banks in London is a cover for the Special Operations division of MI6."

The units stared at them. "I am never going to look at banks the same way again," Otter said with wide eyes.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you, Cub?" Badger suddenly accused, the rest of the soldiers widening their eyes as they realized that was what they were missing. "You specifically said "the Bank" because the double meaning would only be caught by those in the know." Alex shrugged and stared back blankly, making Badger sigh. "Bloody spies. If it weren't for my cousin, we really were never going to figure out that you meant MI6, were we?"

"That was the goal," Alex replied. Pausing, he asked, "Wait, you two are cousins?"

"Yeah, my cousin on my mother's side," Fox answered easily.

"I can't believe I didn't see it before," Alex muttered.

"Well, we don't really look alike," Badger said.

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