Serendipity at it's best

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Heyyyyyyy guys and girls!Let me be honest....this story will have very slow updates till the 25 th of March,2019.As soon as my exams get over,I promise to come home and start writing immediately.
Till then, Enjoy.
Muahhhh 😘      
"You!"I exclaimed.

Jake Daniels merely shrugged and took his seat at the back of the classroom.

During the lesson,Sam was constantly chattering.She was so excited that I felt she was going to burst.

"So,How the heck do you know Mr. Hottie McHotHot Supreme Delight?"

"He'd come to the Café on Sunday.Nothing special."

"Uh Huh!Keep telling me that.Girl, I've been your bestie for a really long time.I have seen you in your Barbie diapers,which looked horrendous ,mind you!You can't keep anything from me.So, why was I not told about this?"

"Honestly,it's not that big of a thing.We just had fun in the moment.That's it."

"Oh,but look at him. Wouldn't you like a piece of that?Huh?"

"Sam!Stop trying to set me up with any guy who walks in our direction."

"Trust me,it comes with the job.Call it a work hazard if you wish."She spoke in a teasing tone.

"You know I am not ready for boys,not after what happened."

"I know,but not all of them are like Tom."

I glanced wearily at her.I didn't want to deal with it now.Not when the topic of our current discussion, Tom,was sitting at the back of our same classroom smooching his new Girl of The Month.That lying, cheating, gold digging Barnacle.

Giving him the middle finger discreetly,I looked back at Sam,who was looking at me very excitedly.

"You know ,my next aim in life is to make #Jaria happen."

"Huh,who are fooling Sam,you haven't had an aim in life since you were 5 years old and your last aim was to marry Prince William,we all know how that turned out,didn't we?"


She stuck her tongue out at me."Yeah!Even Harry's gone now!"She sighed wistfully.

Soon,the class was over.I had Math next.Ugghhh,Math.

Time to see, Brother-in-law.That sounds creepy even in my mind!Shudder.
Heyyyyyyy,guys and girls!
Short chapter today!Sorry!
I have my storyline ready...Bear with me for few days.Once my exams are finished ,the story will be finished faster than Betty can buy the better butter to make the bitter butter better!
Love from India!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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