Chapter 2:

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Jaehyun POV:

It was the day of the mission, last night I prepared everything I don't usually pack a lot, most of the things I bring are weapons, I don't have to bring much clothes since most of the time I'm in my wolf form.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Jaehyun-ssi, I came here to wish you good luck on your mission." A familiar voice said.


"What do you want I'm leaving in a couple of minutes." I said. I wasn't necessarily angry about her kissing me actually I didn't care, the thing that bother me is that she is forcing her love on too me, the last thing I want to do is hurt her.

"Jaehyun...... I want to go with you."


There was a moment of awkwardness in the air.

"Pls I can't bear more months without you, I want to be with you too see your beautiful face every day, too hug you and too make you fall in love with me" Yuna continued, "So pls let me go with you."

At that moment I snapped

"Yuna do you hear what you're saying, you want to leave your family here to go on a mission that may kill both of us, we're not going on a fun vacation, we're invading another packs territory!" I yelled.

"I don't care if you die then I want to die with you, I love you, words can't express how much I do, pls just....I'm begging you." Yuna said as tears where threatening to fall.

Was she really that in love with me, so much so that she would leave her life behind, I didn't understand that kind of love, I've never been in loved before, was my love towards my parents the same, is a lovers and a relatives love the same?

"Sorry my final answer is No" I said.

Yuna had a sad face, and the last thing she said before she left was.

" Fine, I won't go if that's what you want."

Yuna finally left and I was alone in my home once again.

                                 ⬇️ This is what Yuna looks like

Author note: I'm sorry this was short this has been on my drafts for like months now 💀 and I wanted it to just get out I'll try to update soon I'll probably update next week since I'm already on summer vacation and have tons of free time now, I s...

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Author note: I'm sorry this was short this has been on my drafts for like months now 💀 and I wanted it to just get out I'll try to update soon I'll probably update next week since I'm already on summer vacation and have tons of free time now, I still need to think of they story plot carefully and I'm thinking of making the ending bittersweet bcs those are my favorite endings 😋. Bye~

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