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It didn't take long to get to the building that housed Qiao Na Feng's first class. The building was in the back of the campus, away from the traffic the buildings situated in the front experience.

Qiao Na Feng parked his car in the student parking space and stepped out. He looked around the area and nodded his head in satisfaction. The scenery leading to the building was calm and tranquil. There was a small pond on the side of the trail that contained a few fish that could be seen swimming around. The birds chirping in the air added to the aura of the place. It was the perfect space to sleep or do some quiet studying.

Qiao Na Feng walked along the white, cobblestone trail and reached a small building. It was a two story building that had brown, exterior walls on the first floor which had almost no windows and black exterior walls for the second for. The second floor had quite a lot of windows that seemed to wrap around the whole building.

When Qiao Na Feng opened the door, he saw a large room. The walls were painted white and matched quite well with the dark wood floors. Big, gray tables were lined along both side of the walls. There were 6 tables on both walls, making it 12 tables in all. One big, brown desk was in front of a white board in the front of the room.

Qiao Na Feng didn't see anyone else in the room, even the teacher. He saw that each table had only one chair. He looked around and decided to sit in the back, next to a big window that overlooked the scenery outside.

Qiao Na Feng sat down and relaxed his muscles. He was was actually quite nervous. This was his first time in a school environment in years so he didn't know what to expect. He closed his eyes and took in slow, deep breaths to calm his nerves. The quietness in the room just made him even more calm. Calm to the point that he slowly drifted into sleep.

He was then jolted back awake when he felt someone shaking him. Qiao Na Feng rubbed his eyes and tried to refocus his eyes. He looked around and saw that all the tables were filled up with unfamiliar people.

"Taking a nap on the first day, how brave," a voice rang from behind him.

Qiao Na Feng turned around and saw a woman. She had light, black hair that was tied up in a bun. She was dressed in a long, gray skirt and a white, long-sleeved, button-up blouse that was tucked under her skirt. She was wearing a gold chain necklace and black heels. Qiao Na Feng had to admit that the look suited her perfectly. She looked like a rich, boss ready to command her employees.

Her black eyes were glaring down at Qiao Na Feng with one eyebrow raised.

"I apologize," Qiao Na Feng said. He was wide awake now and saw how everyone was staring at him with amusement written on their faces.

The woman looked at him for a minute more before she walked back to the front of the classroom.

"I am going to be your fashion design teacher for this year," the lady said with a booming voice, "You can call me Teacher Ming."

The room was totally quiet as she spoke. She looked like a very commanding woman that you wouldn't want to mess with.

"We will start with introductions. This row will go first," she said as she pointed to the row and the left side of her body.

A petite girl shyly stood up. She had short brown hair and brown honeydew eyes. "My name is Mei Lin, It's nice to meet you all" she said in a small voice. Qiao Na Feng had to strain his ears just to hear her.

"Good, next," Teacher Ming wrote something down and waved to her to sit down.

The next person up was a young man. He had short, black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a simple black shirt and blue jeans. "My name is Xin Wang," was all the man said before he sat back down.

Teacher Ming wrote something else down before she beckoned the next person to stand up.

This process continued until it reached Qiao Na Feng's turn. He stood up and looked around the room. "My name is Qiao Na Feng," he then sat back down.

Teacher Ming nodded, "Now that we all know each other, it's time for the first grade of the year," she said as she ripped out a few pieces of paper on her desk. She then walked to each desk and laid a piece of paper down.

"The first assignment was seeing how well you can dress yourself to bring out your best," she said as she walked back to her desk.

Qiao Na Feng picked up the paper and saw a big red B on it. He raised an eyebrow but didn't create a fuss about it.

"Don't worry, the highest grade was a B. I expect you all to dress in something that goes wit you looks. I can't be having slobs in my class now can I," Teacher Ming looked around the room at the dissatisfied faces of the students.

"This week will only be a week for me to see how good you are. The only assignment to work on this week is to design and make a shirt," she said. "But there will be some limitations of course. You have to turn in a copy of the final draft by tomorrow. You can only work on the shirt within the class period and premises of this building. You can only use the materials in these boxes," she said as she kicked forward five big boxes full of cloth.

Qiao Na Feng nodded his head and felt that the assignment was simple enough. He glanced at the boxes of cloth and eyes fell on a light blue one.

"You can come pick some out now," Teacher Ming told the class.

Everyone quickly stood up and ran to the boxes to pick out some cloth before anyone else got the best ones.

Qiao Na Feng also walked up to the boxes and grabbed the blue cloth he had his eyes on. It was blue, polyester fabric. It felt soft to the touch and polyester is a very durable fabric so it lasted longer than most other fabrics.

Qiao Na Feng sifted through the boxes and pulled out some white silk. It flowed on his hands and felt very smooth. Qiao Na Feng took his materials back to his desk. He thought out what he was going to do in his mind planned to write it down on paper.

"You all can leave now. Don't forget to hand in the rough draft to me tomorrow," Teacher Ming reminded them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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