Chapter 13

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Sting, Yukino, Wendy and the exceeds were heading towards the house. They had books and groceries with them; they wanted to have a picnic with Natsu and Lucy. Suddenly the dragon slayers stopped in their tracks.

"What's going on? Why did we stop?" Yukino had no idea what was going on.

"I smell Fairy Tail mages, they are close by" Sting was on high alert.

He motioned Wendy, Charle and Happy to hide until the coast was clear. Sting had an idea, which made Yukino uneasy. Once Wendy and the others were safely hidden, they began to head towards the clearing.

Erza, Gray and Juvia were startled; they weren't expecting to run into Sabertooth members in the middle of the woods.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing here, so far from home?" Sting spoke up with a smile. Yukino stood next to him, blushing.

"Hello Sting, what a pleasant surprise" Erza was diplomatic as usual.

"We are looking for Flame-Brain and Lucy. Some things have happened back home and we need to retrieve them" Gray spoke

"Oh what did Natsu-san do this time? Did he burn down an entire town?" Sting laughed.

"Not exactly, we are worried about them though, you haven't seem them perchance, have you?" Erza walked closer to them.

"No we haven't spoken to anyone from your guild since the Grand Magic Games" Yukino spoke up, she was nervous; she wasn't very good at lying.

"Yukino, are you alright? You look flustered" Erza was eyeing her up and down. She was growing suspicious.

"Y-yes, I am fine, why wouldn't I be?" She grabbed Sting's arm. Suddenly, they were all startled by a screech.

"Yukino! What is in Yukino's hands?" Juvia exclaimed. They all looked at the contents in Yukino hands. Sting then decided to speak up.

"They are pregnancy books. Yukino and I are expecting and we decided to come out here for some peace and quiet to read and eat. He he, it can get pretty rowdy at the guild, you know how it is" Sting was casually speaking, he draped an arm over her shoulders; meanwhile, Yukino was ready to die of embarrassment at any moment.

"Is this true?" Erza inquired.

"Y-yes. We aren't ready for people to know since it's still soon" Yukino covered.

"Well congratulations you two! Good luck Yukino, carrying a possible dragon slayer can't be easy" Gray joked.

"Juvia thinks that we should give them privacy and continue on our search" Juvia spoke up.

Once they exchanged their farewell, Sting was on the lookout; making sure that the search party was out of sight. Yukino was holding her breath.

Once it was safe, he signalled Wendy and the exceeds to come out of this hiding place. That's when Yukino snapped. She began hitting Sting repeatedly.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Sting was irritated

"Really? Sting? Couldn't you have thought of something else instead of my carrying you child?" Yukino was embarrassed and annoyed.

"Oh come on Yukino, it's not a secret that you have a crush on our guild master" Lector decided to chime in, which made both Sting and Yukino blush.

"They liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other" Happy teased.

They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, behind them stood an amused Natsu.

"If you are done with your jibber jabber, it would be great if you all came inside, I am hungry and we have things to talk about" Natsu spoke up.

Once they all headed inside, they were greeted by Loke and Lucy. Sting handed the groceries over to Lucy. She, Yukino and Wendy headed to the kitchen to start on lunch. They opted to eat indoors to be on the safe side.

Once lunch was ready they all settled down around the dinning table and began to eat.

"So Loke, what are you doing here?" Yukino started the conversion.

"I came over to let you all know about a new development. Polyusica has created a cure for the guild's problem."

"That's great!" Sting chimed in

"No exactly. It seems that Lisanna has caught on that Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy and Master weren't affected by the potion and that neither of them have been to the guild since this all started"

"Shit!" was all Sting could say before Yukino smacked him upside the head

"There is a child in the room!" Yukino scolded. Sting sheepishly apologized to Wendy.

"It's alright Sting-san," she politely said. Meanwhile, Lucy and Natsu exchanged amusing and knowing looks.

The group went on to talk about various things to lighten up the mood. It was night time when they all parted ways. After putting away the clean dishes, Natsu and Lucy headed to their bedroom. Wendy had retired to her bedroom earlier in the evening.

After their shower, they both curled up in bed and Lucy decided to pull up one of the pregnancy books Yukino and Wendy brought over. Natsu pulled her into her arms and rested his head on her shoulder while she read. He rubbed her tummy from time to time, taking in the warmth it was emanating. Natsu already knew that their child was going to inherit his dragon slayer magic. He couldn't help but beam with pride.

"So do you think we will have boy or a girl?" Lucy broke his train of thought.

"I think we are having a girl"

"What makes you think that?" Lucy inquired

"Well, it's something about your scent, well the baby's scent really, I can't really pinpoint it, but something tells me we are going to have a girl" Natsu couldn't keep from smiling.

"I think she will have your magic" Lucy chimed in

"What makes you think that?"

"Well I have been having weird cravings lately, like I want to eat spicy food all the time and lately, I have been wanting to eat fire" Lucy was absentmindedly playing with the mate mark on her neck. Her book was completely forgotten.

"Do you want to try?" Natsu was now intrigued by her admission.


"Do you want to try eating fire? We can try with mine. My fire won't hurt you" Natsu really wanted to try this theory out.

"Um, sure" Lucy was nervous.

He created a flame in the palm of his hand and instructed Lucy to try to inhale it, as if she were eating spaghetti. She has hesitant at first but her cravings got the best of her so she went ahead and leaned in and inhaled the fire. She then sat back up and thought about what she did. Natsu was getting nervous. He really hoped that she liked it.

"Well?" Natsu was fidgeting

"That was ... absolutely delicious!" Lucy was smiling from ear to ear, much to Natsu's relief. He couldn't help by beam with pride.

He immediately pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. She reciprocated. It soon turned into a heated make out session, which eventually led to something else.

Elsewhere, Master and Laxus were meeting with the Magic Council. They were all debating on what actions to take against Lisanna's treachery. Using dark magic was a serious offence.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now