Chapter 25

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Lisanna couldn't believe how easy that was.

"Stupid bitch shouldn't have left her window open," she inwardly snickered.

Lisanna had transformed into a fly and flew in through Lucy's window. Lucy probably thought that Natsu would try to sneak in and see his bride before the ceremony. She conveniently flew into the hanging wedding gown and then transformed into her human self. Lisanna smirked thinking how the dress was practically made for her and not the blond bimbo. She picked up her knife and went in for the kill. Poor Lucy didn't know what hit her.

Now here she was surrounded by her guild mates who had no idea that the 'Lucy' they were with was in fact Lisanna in disguise. The potion she drank earlier allowed her to prolong her transformation. It would only wear off after she and Natsu had mated. Lisanna had it all figured out. Once mated, Natsu couldn't do anything, he would be bound to her forever, if any harm came to her, it would also hurt him. She didn't care that Natsu didn't love her. Lisanna gets what she wants and she won't be denied.

"How are you feeling Lu-chan?" Levy asked. Lisanna was quickly snapped out of train of thought.

"I feel great. I can't wait to finally be with Natsu." She said.

'We can't wait to finally put you behind bars you psycho,' Levy thought to herself. The other ladies accompanying the 'bride-to-be' to the guild shared the same thought.

Meanwhile at the guild, Gemi had shown up and told the awaiting men of what happened back at Lucy's apartment.

"Guys, looks like the show is about to begin, gihi" Gajeel was excited; he was itching for a good fight.

"I can't wait to see her locked up in a padded cell," Gray added.

Elfman sighed. He was ashamed of his sister; her fall from grace was tragic. If only he and Mira instilled more discipline in her. His heart was breaking. He lived with so much when he believed that she died, only for her to come. The Lisanna that came back though was not the same he grew up with. She became deranged, obsessed, she lived in this made up world that only drove her to insanity. He was emotionally drained and needed to move on. Hopefully Lisanna would finally get the help she needed.

"You ok man?" Gray asked.

"...Yeah" he replied

"I know it's hard but it's the only way" Laxus intervened.

Elfman nodded and headed to the bar to make get a drink. The guys looked at him walk away. Their hearts went out to him and Mira. They didn't deserve this heartache. They were wonderful siblings and did their best to raise Lisanna right. Did they fail her? Or was the guild that failed her?

They were all snapped back to reality when the guild doors opened. Walking through them were Mira, Cana, Erza, Wendy, Levy and lastly Lucy. The men all gave each other knowing looks. Laxus went to get his grandfather who was meeting with Lahar and Doranbolt.

"Ji-chan, they're here" he simply said and headed back out to meet with the others.

Makarov took a deep breath and nodded to the two men. The followed him out of his office and stayed out of sight, waiting for their cue. Makarov motioned the Spirits who were there to go back to the Celestial World. He and his brats would handle everything from here on out. They all complied and went back through their gates.

The music began to play and surprisingly, it was Laxus who came to walk the bride to meet her groom at the altar. As they slowly headed up the stairs, Lisanna started getting this weird feeling in her stomach, she brushed it off as butterflies, she was finally marrying Natsu. Sure, she was tricking him into it, thinking that he was marrying Lucy. 'I wonder how he will react when he finds out she is dead?' She thought then she scoffed it off believing that he wouldn't be able to do anything anyways after they would have mated by then. She giggled, which drew Laxus's attention.

"What's so funny?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing, I am just excited," she replied.

As they finally reached the top of the stairs, Lisanna's face fell.

"Where's Natsu?" Her voice was shaky.

Suddenly, Doranbolt materialized behind her and with Laxus's help, they detained her and placed magic cancelling handcuff on her wrists. The cuffs caused her to lose her magic and she transform back into her self.

It all happened so fast that she had no idea how it all happened until it was all over. She fell to her knees; tears streaming down her face.

Makarov slowly walked up to her, his facial expression unreadable.

"Why did you do it?" He asked, his tone cold as ice.

"Why not? That bitch took everything from me!" She was yelling.


"Natsu was MINE, everyone here were MY friends! That spoiled brat just waltzed up here and took everything from me! I WAS THE LIGHT OF THIS GUILD!" She was hysterical.

She tried to meet someone's eyes. Someone had to sympathize with her, understand her pain. She looked to her brother, who averted his eyes. She then looked to her sister, Mira was crying, burying her face in Laxus' chest. He was patting her back trying to console her.

"For the crimes you have committed Lisanna, I am stripping your guild mark. You are hereby no longer a member of Fairy Tail." Makarov said as her guild mark disappeared from her thigh.

"You really think I care about this shitty guild?" She laughed.

"You really think that these cuffs and these two dolts will keep me away from exacting my revenge? The bitch is dead!" She continued to yell. When she got no reaction for what she just said, she figured it out.

"That wasn't Lucy that I killed was it?" When she noticed Levy fidgeting, she knew she was right.

"This isn't over. I will not be put into a cage! I will not rest until Natsu and Lucy pay for this!" She yelled as she was being dragged away by the Council guards.

Lisanna's last threat sent chills down their spines.

"Master?" Erza walked up to him.

"I am afraid that she is right about this not being over" He said and he stared at the now closed guild doors.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now