chapter second

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Harry walked me home that fateful evening. It was hard to keep up with him and his heelys but i managed. I am fast. Very fast. After a very speedy walk we had finally arrived at my doorstep. "well this is me" I told harry. We stood there for a moment before harry broke the silence "I'm sorry i  almost killed you with my heelys" Harry shyly apologized as we stood on my porch. "my pleasure" i reassured him. He blushed and looked at me. His soft green eyes meeting my tired blue ones. He leaned in and whispered "aw heel yeah." 

In that moment i knew i couldn't let this boy leave my side so quickly. "Would you possibly like to come inside for a glass of tuna?" I asked harry.  A smile appeared on harrys busted lips, causing dry blood dust to diligently cascade off his admirable lips. "How could i turn down my favorite fishy dishy?" Harry replied making it obvious that this hot piece of ass in front of me wasn't going anywhere for a while. I went to the front door only to realize that it was locked i began ringing the doorbell which caused drakkar to bark rapidly as he often did to warn off intruders. i heard his claws scurry against the floor, failing to obtain traction. "I've got this one love" Harry said before backing up and thrusting his entire body against the door instantly knocking it off the hinges and plummeting do the ground. Harry had gone down with the door but stood up quickly gesturing me inside. "ladies first" He said flirtatiously as i entered my home. I was so in awe of the kind gesture that i just couldn't help blush. He could definitely have the bigger half of the tuna for that one. He so kindly propped the door against the wall and followed me inside.

"may i take your coat?" I asked harry, who was not wearing a coat. "take my hand instead." he told me whilst taking my hand in his and kissing it gently. I smiled when i saw that he'd left some dry blood on my hand. "Allow me to fetch the tuna kind sir" I said as i made my way to the garage to get the tuna that was in my moms car. I stopped in horror when i was greeted with the sight of the car being gone. Moms not home. I slithered inside to break the news to the boy who waited inside my kitchen. "Bad news, turns out my tuna hiding spot is also what my mom uses to get to Pamelas house for bingo night" Before harry could react i realized what this meant for drakkar. Drakkar had been scared away when the door was busted down but i knew he'd scurry back for tuna time but, alas there would be no tuna time tonight. When there's no tuna time drakkar stops at nothing to fulfill his hunger. I'm not talking about his hunger for tuna but his hunger for blood.  

I then heard the unmistakable sound of drakkars claws on the hardwood.  Holy golly he had heard my tuna announcement. I launched myself at harry. Grabbing him firmly and jumping over the counter top. We land on the other side when harry laughed "man if i knew you were this passionate about tuna i would've rammed you down a lot sooner." despite how flattered I was by his words we couldn't risk being caught by drakkar. I slapped my hand over his bloody mouth. "ssshhhh don't speak harry." I whispered to him. "why?" he asked, his words muffled behind my clammy hand. "Because we're being...hunted." I told him. Without waiting for a response i began giving him instructions. "we need to get all butter knifes in a place where no iguana could possibly access, even an iguana like drakkar." Harry didn't ask any questions and began army crawling across the floor pulling a couple of very convenient zip ties out of his pocket. Everyone from around here carries zip ties with them ever since... the storm. He began slapping those bad boyz onto all of the drawers. I sure can't get zip ties off of things and surely if i can't do something my 23 pound gurthy iguana can't either. Unless it's annually shedding skin. Now that's something i've only ever seen drakkar do, but surely he can't just shed his way through a zip tie. That's where i was wrong. So very wrong. I knew we had to eventually make a move so i grabbed Harry and led him into the wine cellar. Risky because, well, i had never seen drakkar turn down a glass. 

We sat there for a while before i felt the unmistakable feeling of needing to urinate that quickly grew urgent. I knew i couldn't do anything about it in that moment so i did the next best thing. "harry may I ask you to distract me away from my urinary troubles." Harry replied buy surprising me with his gentlemen like ways once again. "no need." he said while fetching a bottle of wine off of the shelf we were sat behind, ripping the cork out with his newly chipped teeth, and downing it in approximately 3 gulps before offering it to me. "say hello to your new urination station." he said handing me the bottle. "oh you didn't have to do that for lil' ol' me." I told harry trying to express my gratitude. "Anything to make up for what was a wink away from manslaughter earlier today." he said while winking. "now you go ahead and do what you have to i will be in the corner making my own urination station." Harry said as i began thanking my lucky stars for the charming gentlemen urinating a few feet from me in the corner of my wine cellar. 

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