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Alex was definitely attracting attention, as she walked to the bus station, pulling her medium-sized pink suitcase behind her. Her green hair was wild and open, falling down to her chin, covering one part of her face. The only eye people were able to see, was of a pale amber, glowing in a mysterious way, challenging, provoking, but also displaying some kind of explicit calmness and liberty of spirit, as if its owner had just broken down the chains tying him to the ground for a long time.

There was no doubt that Alex had history, something unrevealed in her past, that people could discover but not understand, judging by all the eyes following her as she walked down the road, her head slightly facing upwards, looking at the buildings to her right and left, looking up at the clouds covering parts of the sky, with a beautiful, light grey, promising shelter from the hot September sun. Alex was wearing a sheer green Nirvana shirt, uncovering her left shoulder while reaching down to her thighs and some pink leggings combined with black Converse, she thought to be matching her look.

She was walking confidently, freely, happy. At the same time, she did not really know what she was going to do. Sure, French, Art, a new life, college and everything, that was great, she was looking forward to it, to something she had dreamt of for such a long time. But still, it somehow remained distant, uncertain, like she was looking through a dirty window at something that was actually right in front of her.

She still feared that Loki could change his mind, send his men out to get her back, oblige her to come back, to work with him, for him, to be what he wanted her to be. These memories, though constantly fought by her, always came back, these fears remained present, since it was not like her father to let go of something, to recognize he was defeated. There had to be something she had forgotten and not taken care of, there was surely a plan or something Loki pursued to make her come back for good. She was afraid of the day he was going to break with the tradition of free choice he had followed so far, deciding that it was his own legacy that was more important than that of his family.

It was a constant fight inside of Alex, trying to push away these thoughts, but somehow never succeeding entirely. They were remaining there, somewhere in the background, waiting for the day she was weak, waiting for the chance to strike again. And yet, she did manage to keep them away, trying to focus on other things, like the beautiful building fronts, the little galleries, bookstores and cafés she was passing by, the people that were walking next to her, so different to those she had known in her father's kingdom.

She observed carefully, breathing in the atmosphere of that new city, not neglecting any detail she was able to notice, watching, listening, living... Yes, she had no real clue of what to do next. She had a little money, to start with, her father did not want her, after all, to end up on the streets, but she'd have to work for her living now, and she had no real clue where to do this. Her future was uncertain, but what was certain to her now, was that new joy of living, breathing, discovering, reading this city, its buildings, its people, getting to know them.

She was enjoying herself. Definitely. And she was looking forward to keeping going and spotting wonders and surprises at every corner. She had passed three bus stations already, not caring about them, not thinking about where to go, so consequently just going on. She was in Boston. She was finally alive.

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