Never let her go

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"Jimin we need to get out of here!" I said to Jimin as I ducked and swiped the guys' legs out from under him jumping up and sending a punch to a guy's jaw as he popped up on my left, making him groan and stumble backwards.

"We need to stall remember Cassie?" He replied while handling thee guys at once and extremely fast. I roll my eyes but keep quiet and wait for more soldiers.

Oh hi I'm Cassie White and I am in a relationship with Park Jimin also known as one of the BTS leaders. We were captured a few days ago but now we finally got free but we have to fight our way out.

The other leaders of BTS were doing something important while we had to fight the soldiers. Reasons Jimin and I are the best fighters and we know how to clear a path extremely fast.

It's been over two hours and they haven't returned and we're already halfway to the exit. When they also finally showed up, out of breath, blood and new things they didn't have before.

"Guys what's going on?" Questioned Jimin as he wrapped an arm around me, placed a quick kiss to my temple while scanning his friends,with his eyes.

All Jungkook could say was run before they bolted. We shared a look before we followed.

When we reached the exit and walked out of the building it seemed too easy, so we kept our guards up.

I was looking everywhere making sure we weren't followed, I was so focused on making sure that everyone else was safe that I didn't hear the footsteps behind me. The others were to busy discussing what to do next that they didn't notice either.

An arm went over my arms keeping me in place and a gun placed against my temple making me tense. The guy cleared his throat gaining the boys' attention.

Immediately Jimin and Yoongi moved to me but was stopped when he pressed the gun harder against my temple. "Let go of her," Yoongi and Jimin growled in unison.

The man let out a cackle and said, " I'm afraid I cannot do that seeing as she is so important we'll keep her." Jimin growled and Namjoon stepped forward and said, "you dare hurt one of my own I'll kill you."

"You and what army?" He asked as more men came out more than the boys and surrounded them. "See, this is where you loose BTS," he said sarcastically. I tried freeing myself but he just tightened his grip making me whimper slightly.

"She has nothing to do with this!" yelled Jin sounding scares for the first time since I've known him. Jimin just stayed quiet, keeping his eyes on me gaze hard as if not to show emotion. But the rest...they were breaking.

And the reason was me.
Because I was  in danger.

"Well, she actually does, seeing as she is in a relationship with Jimin and that...all of you care for her deeply like a sister right? Except Yoongi you actually are related to her aren't you?" The boys'  looked toward Yoongi for confirmation, he just nodded jaw clenched then to me to see if I also knew. I closed my eyes and stayed silent giving them my answer.

"Aw, shame you didn't tell them, it's understandable though because if someone found out that Min Yoongi  had a baby sister they would definitely go after her. And so you hid her right?" Yoongi just let out a breath through his nose while the others stayed quiet.

"Can you shut up and let her go!" yelled Taeyhung finally losing his nerve and punching one of the men. Resulting in him getting hit in the midsection and collapsing to the floor while the other boys were pulled back as the man Taeyhung punched circled him.

He punched Taeyhung straight across the face. Again and again and again. I finally let out a loud scream as the tears streamed down my face.

Everyone looked at me.
"Leave them alone! Just take me and do whatever you want just leave them alone!" I practically screamed. "NO!" yelled Yoongi and Jimin trying to free themselves as were the others.

"Please...Cas you're my baby sister I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around," Yoongi said his voice shaking. "Cassie, you can't...I love you, you can't just go...please don't do this..." Jimin said as tears filled his eyes. The boys' began protesting but went quiet when I gave a teary smile and began speaking.

"Guys....I love matter what I always will...and I'm doing this because I want to. You have always protected me, now it's my turn thank you guys for always making me smile and Yoongi thanks for being an older brother. Remember you have the boys' they're your brothers. Jimin thank you for making me you for loving me...helping me fall in love and showing me what love is. Thanks for everything."

They were all crying now I felt the guy guy begin to pull the trigger but I didn't close my eyes I wanted the last thing I would see to be the people I treasure and love most in this world.

A shot went off, but I felt no pain. The grip on me disappear and more shots went off as the men fell to the floor making me frown and turn around in confusion.

My eyes widen in shock when I saw GOT7 standing there smirking at us they are our alliance group and long time friends.

"Thanks guys for saving out asses," said Namjoon I nodded in agreement. Jackson nodded turned and headed inside the building probably to clear out the rest. 

I spun around and immediately was in the middle of a group hug. I giggled and sad, "guys can't breath!" They mumbled sorry and stepped back.

And I was suddenly pulled into a bone-crushing by my brother. "Try that again and I will kill you," he said making me laugh. We pulled apart I kissed him on his cheek and stepped away from him.  

Just to be pulled into someone's else's arms. I looked up and immediately lips crashed against mine. After a few seconds I relaxed and our lips molded together.

We pulled apart to the boys' whistling and my brother telling us to stop.
I laughed and snuggled into Jimin's chest happy that everyone was safe.

When I saw Tae I pulled away from Jimin rushed over to him and Jungkook to make sure the youngest was alright. "Never let her go Jimin," I heard Hobi say. "Never," he agreed fondness and love clear in his voice.

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