My little sapphire

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Hey hey everyone~ How have you all been?, good I hope ^^

Well, I recently finished watching the anime Hunter x Hunter and I can say that I have fallen in love for sure :3 Such an amazing series, I highly recommend it!.

I really like Killua and Biscuit aka Bisky, So naturally I started to look for fanfics about them, But unfortunately, I could only find one. So I decided to contribute to this pair and write a fanfic about them myself ^^

I understand that most people don't like them together because of the age difference and such. And that's fine, But I just find this pair so cute that I can't help myself :3

However I did change Biscuit's age in this story for obvious reasons XD So she's 16 here, still older than the other two but not by much.

I am so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or wrong sentences, English is not my first language.

I am also sorry if there is any occ-ness.

Furthermore, I do NOT own Hunter x Hunter!

Anyhow enough talk, Let's get on with the story~ ^^

Rated: T, Just to be safe


Biscuit knew that this was wrong, very wrong. But she couldn't help the attraction that she felt towards the young ex-assassin of the Zoldyck family. His huge potential, His skills, His beautiful milky-white skin, silver hair, And those beautiful blue eyes were all things that drew her in. He was beautiful, But under those innocent looks was a real skilled fighter, Much like herself. Maybe that was something that attracted her to him as well, she wasn't sure. However, it was definitely something that they had in common. Unlike Gon, who unlike them had never really killed anyone before.

Biscuit twirled one of her blonde locks around her index finger as she watched Gon and Killua train, but mostly Killua. She couldn't help but blush a little as she saw the drips of sweat falling down his body as he moved. Everything that Gon threw at him he managed to either block or dodge, It was clear who had more fighting experience, But still she couldn't deny that Gon had potential too. But of course, since she started to develop feelings for Killua she started to favor him.

Once the training was over Biscuit nodded her head in approval, smiling as usual. Since she started to train them In greed Island a while ago they had really come far, and the whole chimera ant saga did them both good as well, well skill wise mostly. They really had come far, but they still had a long road ahead of them. And she wouldn't stop training them until they were both fully developed. Like a diamond and sapphire.

Since she recently had admitted to herself the attraction and feelings she had towards Killua she felt better. And wanted to be more around him. So she took every chance she had while training Killua to touch him. It first started with a few small occasional touches at first, like a gentle pat on the head or a playful fist bump on his arm or shoulder. But as time went on she couldn't help herself, and she thought of more excuses to do so. Like showing him the 'right grip' or 'right stance' for certain techniques. Wich she knew wasn't necessary at all but thankfully Killua seemed to buy it, at least for now. She was the teacher after all.

As Gon and killua where ready to put their jacket and shirt back on to leave, Biscuit started to panic. 'Crap!, Killua can't leave yet!. Quick think of something!' Biscuit thought to herself while trying her best not to show any signs of worry on her face.

Once Killua was midway done with putting his shirt on Biscuit had finally thought of something, and managed to stop both Gon and Killua in their tracks. "U-Um Killua could you stay here for a bit longer?. There is something that I'd like to discuss with you".

[ My little sapphire ] A Killua x Biscuit - One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now