Alejandro X Reader - Maybe more

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Time may not be on my side, but I'm trying to crank out as many as these as I possibly can while I'm still motivated to do so here wE GO! @wolfchibi26 ~ Sabrinna

(Y/n) was one of the new contestants added to the lineup. They walked with their bag at their side, taking in the sight of the plane as Chris explained the rules. After take off, an obnoxious song and throwing Ezekiel off of the plane, it was time to mingle. Old teammates began catching up while (y/n) was left to their own devices. (Y/n) was shy. Being on camera constantly already made them feel incredibly self-conscious and paranoid, and making small talk was not a strong suit. They took a seat and stared out the window of the plane. A boy they didn't recognize sat next to them and they glanced over at him. Alejandro, the third and final newbie of the show. (Y/n) could feel their cheeks heat up a bit when he caught them taking glances at him.
They could already tell he was a player by the way he was flirting with the other girls early on, but they couldn't help but feel a strange attraction to him.
"I hope this seat wasn't taken?" He said. He had a painted on smirk on his face. (Y/n) shook their head no. "Not much of a talker, huh?" He asked. They shook their head again. "No... not really," (Y/n) said quietly. "I tend to keep to myself." Alejandro sighed dramatically. "What a shame, a beautiful person like you should be making yourself more present." (Y/n) looked down, embarrassed. Alejandro used the tips of his fingers to pull their chin up to look at him. "I'm serious! Your beauty isn't something to be hidden..." He gave them a seemingly genuine smile. "I uh... Thank you..." they stammered. It wasn't likely a boy would notice them, let alone an attractive one. "Oh, excuse me for not introducing myself. I'm Alajandro, and it's a pleasure to be on your team, (y/n)." He stuck his hand out to shake. (Y/n) took it reluctantly. "Me too, how did you..." they dropped their sentance when the boy drew their hand to his mouth and left a gentle kiss on their knuckles. "Know your name? I'm a man of many secrets." He chuckled to himself. Chris came on over the intercom telling all contestants to meet him in the main area. Alajandro sighed once again and stood. "This was pleasant. I hope to talk to you more, (y/n)." He said. "We could become friends," he leaned over the chair he was sitting in, getting close to them. "Or more." He purred. He winked walked away with their other teammates. (Y/n) blushed to themselves before standing and stumbling into the next room. This was gonna be a hell of a season.

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