Duncan x Reader - Prom

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A/N: Yep. It's me, Willow. I know I haven't posted on this book whatsoever and I am so sorry for that--- I just get Writer's Block super easily. ;v; 
Sorry to Sabrinna for writing so much of the oneshots aaa- 
So I asked my friend what character I should write and she immediately suggested Duncan so I suppose that's what we're doing. :'>
Also, I've never written Total Drama fanfiction before so I apologize if this isn't that great aaack-
Hope you enjoy!

Setting: After Season 2 but before Season 3. Duncan never got together with Courtney and had been dating you since before Season 1 even aired.
Pronouns: Female (Sorry for anyone else!)
POV: 2nd
Word Count: 1281 


     It hadn't been easy to convince Duncan to go to prom with you; nope, not at all. But your heart was so set on going that he couldn't bear to say no to your innocent face for the twentieth time.

     You had been in the middle of getting ready for this rare occasion when your doorbell suddenly rang. You dropped your mascara and immediately dashed down the stairs, excited to see him in formal attire for once. Once you reached the door, you practically flung it open, which obviously startled Duncan.

     His eyes were wide, similar to a deer caught in some car headlights. He took a moment to look you up and down in your F/C strapless dress that flowed down to just above your knees. When you realized what he was doing you blushed profusely. "Hey, perv, my eyes are up here." You snapped his attention up to your face.

     He was wearing his tux like he promised, and it looked great on him. No, not just great. Fantastic. 

     You were honestly surprised he wore the tux like he said he was going to, much less that he agreed to come along as your date in the first place. You half expected him to show up in a t-shirt and jeans. It's not that you doubted he cared for you; you just knew he wasn't the prom type of guy. Never had been; but he did it for you, and that made it even more special.

     He rolled his eyes playfully, but you could tell he was nervous. "Yeah, yeah," He swallowed thickly, "I just- um... you look great." You practically melted at the spot.

     "Thank you," You managed to get out without squealing. "You don't look too bad yourself."

     He smirked at you, amused at your flustered facial expression and looked like he was about to say something before your mom walked down the stairs and over to the doorway. "He's here already?" She looked over at you, almost doing a onceover. "Oh, honey, you look absolutely stunning." She practically gushed.

     You avoided eye contact with your mom, face burning. "T-thanks." You stuttered. Jeez, how embarrassing. Duncan was standing there right outside the door with a knowing smirk plastered on his face. You could tell he wasn't regretting agreeing to come with you, and for a moment you hated him for him enjoying this.

     "Sorry, sorry," She laughed apologetically. "I'll let you two go, have fun kids," She paused before death staring Duncan straight in the eye. "But not too much fun."

     He raised an eyebrow in her direction but didn't say anything about her comment before taking your hand and leading you out of the house. Luckily you already had your phone and purse with you; if you hadn't, well, that would've been disastrous. 

     You both got into his car and drove in a peaceful silence, listening to some of Duncan's heavy metal music at a low level. Yeah, 'peaceful' and 'heavy metal' were just used in the same sentence. You suppose you just always felt at ease with Duncan; well, when he's not making his perverted remarks, that is.

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